
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Corona Virus Confirms That China Has Become Mega

Silent COVID-19 Cases May Stymie Screening Efforts

The Corona Virus pandemic has clearly showed the inherent strengths and weaknesses of many countries which are perhaps contrary to our everyday perception of the world.

China, Vietnam and Cuba are coming out tops in sending medicines, doctors, PPE and other medical equipment by the planeloads to help other countries fight the Corona Virus. Vietnamese doctors and medical supplies have "invaded" Laos and Cambodia to help them fight the virus.  China has been sending planeloads of supplies to countries around the world.

South Korea is shipping out test kits and other corona virus related medicines and supplies.  Even India has sent medicines to ISRAEL of all places.

And of course we must recall that China and Vietnam have had a high degree of success in containing and treating the virus.

However there is not one planeload of medical supplies  or medical personnel from Europe or the USA going out anywhere to help other countries, especially to Asia.

(And if you are looking at the Arabs, well the King and Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia have escaped to an island somewhere to "self quarantine" themselves from the virus. I hope it works for them. But there is no assistance coming out of the Arab countries to help their fellow "Islamic" countries. The Arabs have zero technologies or medicines to share but they do have some oil money left. Obviously they are keeping it for themselves.)

The Chinese, South Korean, Vietnamese (and Taiwanese) economies are also getting back towards normal operations.  They have suffered but it looks like they are coming out of it. 

On the other hand American giant Apple has announced that the availability of I Phones faces supply chain disruptions,  due to the hiccups in China. Even Coca Cola in the USA says it is running short of sweeteners to produce Coca Cola drinks. 

So both on the medical front (fighting the corona virus) and on the economic front the world realises how much it depends on China. Folks, 1/3 of all manufactured products in the world now are Made in China. If you have three manufactured items within two feet of where you are, at least one of the three is Made in China.

Here is more China news. A few days ago a Chinese aircraft carrier task force headed by the carrier Liaoning sailed out into the Pacific Ocean. No big deal except that at the same time FOUR American aircraft carriers have been forced to return to port because the US Navy has been badly infected by the Corona Virus and almost 100 American sailors have died while at sea. Here is the news : 

The 50,000 ton Liaoning (CNN file photo)

  • Chinese naval flotilla headed into Pacific over weekend
  • carrier Liaoning led 2 destroyers, 2 frigates, 1 auxiliary ship
  • evidence that Navy done much better job controlling coronavirus 
  • 4 US carriers -- Roosevelt, Reagan, Carl Vinson, Nimitz operations crimped
  • Roosevelt docked in Guam - hardest hit by virus
  • 585 corona virus cases among 4,000 crew
  • work ongoing to disinfect ship, delaying ability to deploy
  • Chinese Navy has no such issues
  • Chinese Navy done a great job in epidemic prevention, control 
  • epidemic has no impact on Navy's deployment and operations
  • China can dispatch troops stationed anywhere at any time
  • with troops always maintaining vigorous combat capabilities

OSTB : On the other side more than 155 crew of the American aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt have been infected by the Corona Virus. The ship was sailing in the western Pacific at the time the virus began spreading. The captain sent a detailed memo to the US Navy asking for immediate help to evacuate his crew. His pleas were ignored. The captain's memo somehow then was "leaked" to the American media which caused a huge uproar in the US. Only then was the carrier ordered into port (in Guam) and 2,700 of its crew have been quarantined.  

105,000 tons nuclear powered USS Theodore Roosevelt
defeated by the Corona Virus

Because that memo was leaked, the poor captain Brett Crozier was relieved of his command. Not only that but the captain has since tested positive for the virus.

You can read the interesting story in detail here .  There is also a video clip showing the poor captain walking off his ship - to a rousing send off by his crew.  

But what is frightening is that after Captain Crozier walks down the ramp, without wearing any mask or other PPE he shakes hands with Navy personnel  on the dockside. Spreading the virus even more. The Americans as a nation are being totally careless about this virus.

I would assume that anyone who is walking off a Navy ship with over 155 confirmed Corona Virus cases would not or should not even go near any other human being, let alone shake their hands or get into the same car with another human being.

If FOUR aircraft carriers are affected, I am certain the Corona Virus would have also spread to other ships in the US Navy.  It would be disastrous if the virus got into a submarine. 

At the end of it the Chinese have come out really mega.

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