
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Lockdown Stress, Corona Vaccines Under Development

Kronologi COVID-19 di Malaysia | Nasional | Berita Harian

Reading the comments in my blog I can see that this lockdown is already getting on peoples' nerves. Especially if a few or many people live in apartments, crowded dwellings etc with little space to move around. 

The proverbial 'too many mice inside a cage' creates huge discomfort, tension and even possible aggression.

The government must give some quick thought to this and get some psychologists, behaviourial experts (err that means NO dunggu Ministers and certainly no dunggu ostard wal retards ok) to talk to people (via TV, Online) what type of stresses to expect under lockdown and what the people can do to destress themselves. Thus far I do not see much attention being paid to this matter which could become a problem. Especially since the lockdown MAY be extended. (I have seen that viral whatsaap that mentions May or something. It appears likely that the lockdown will be extended.)

Basic advice and counselling will help people. That's why I said the TV stations should play good movies, high quality entertainment etc to help people keep their minds off things. 

Religious programs will not help. Why? Because religion is fake. Ha ha ha. (But I did not say which religion ok. Ha ha ha.) Just kidding. Destressing lah. 

Anyway the Chinese are working on Corona vaccines. So are the Aussies and others around the world. Here is some news from the US about Corona vaccines already going into clinical trials.

Researchers from Weiner Laboratory work on a coronavirus vaccine

volunteers in Philadelphia, Kansas City begin testing corona vaccine this week
Inovio Pharmaceuticals received regulatory clearance to begin testing
Bill Gates Foundation have poured funding into Inovio’s vaccine project
expects to have early safety data by late summer 
aims to produce 1 million doses by the end of 2020.

to start injecting healthy volunteers with potential coron vaccine 
received regulatory clearance to start clinical testing

Inovio’s INO-4800 is 2nd potential corona vaccine to start human trials in US
The Massachusetts biotech Moderna started safety trial in mid-March

Each volunteer will receive two doses of vaccine, four weeks apart

Inovio expects safety results by late summer

Inovio scaling up production capabilities 
to have 1 million doses available by end 2020

My comments :  In the long run the world will need a vaccine. Let us hope the researchers around the world will make a breakthrough.

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