
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Pokok Sena MP admits being eligible for RM1k BPN aid


Pokok Sena MP Mahfuz Omar admitted that he was eligible to receive the Bantuan Prihatin Nasional (BPN) aid, adding that the whole system needs an overhaul.
The Amanah lawmaker told Malaysiakini that the government should urgently look into the problem.
Earlier today, via his Facebook page, former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak said he was informed, and online checks had also been made, which revealed that Mahfuz (photo) qualified to receive a RM1,000 BPN aid.
“I was informed that Mahfuz qualified to receive RM1,000 in Bantuan Prihatin. Congratulations!
“Can ask to belanja kepci (Malay acronym of Kentucky Fried Chicken or KFC) when the money is paid?” Najib jokingly said in his Facebook posting, which was shared 755 times and received 2,700 comments as at 8.40pm.
Under the comments section of the posting, Najib, who is Pekan MP, also inserted a comment with screenshots of the BPN status showing Mahfuz eligible for aid, among others.
When replying to a question seeking confirmation about BPN labelling him as eligible for the aid, Mahfuz tonight said it was correct and that he would treat Najib to breakfast during the upcoming Parliamentary session.
“Correct, correct. I have replied to him (Najib), I did not apply but still received, so nice is PN (Perikatan Nasional government), and I promised with DSN (Najib) via FB that in the upcoming Parliament session, I wish to treat him to breakfast,” the former human resources minister replied.
“This is a problem that needs to be looked into by the government because the government is using this payment system to select who is eligible for payment,” Mahfuz said.
He explained that the present system utilised by the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) relies on the Bantuan Sara Hidup (BSH) list, whereby those who are eligible for that do not need to apply for the BPN aid.
Mahfuz said the present BPN system also relies on pension data, whereby IRB uses that data and list of income taxpayers and, as a result, recipients would receive BSH based on the pensions and income taxpayer data.
“I was made to understand by LHDN (IRB) that they will be receiving a list of who is eligible and not eligible based on the taxes paid. Then, they could see whether or not to give the BPN to deserving individuals.
“This system needs to be relooked, this is not right as many MPs and ministers are eligible to receive, just like what went viral. Even (Education) minister (Mohd) Radzi (Md) Jidin, was eligible to receive (the BPN), minister (in the Prime Minister’s Department) Takiyuddin (Hassan) also eligible to receive, approved. I think we did not even apply.
“This matter needs to be reviewed because it will cause those not eligible to receive (the BPN aid). The money should be paid to those in need, especially those under BSH, hardcore poor, they need help, those who lost their livelihoods,” Mahfuz said.
Asked whether the money has been transferred into his account, Mahfuz said that he does not know as he does not utilise online banking. He prefers to go to the bank but he could not leave the house due to the movement control order.
On what he would do if he does find the aid transferred into his bank account, Mahfuz said he would fulfil his promise to Najib to treat him to breakfast, with the remaining money donated to his (Najib) legal fund as Najib was the first to raise the matter on Facebook.
On whether he would return the aid to the government if he received it in his bank account, Mahfuz said the former premier could use the money to manage his legal costs and it was all right to give the money to him.
Umno lawmaker Najib is currently faced with multiple criminal trials, among them being the RM2.28 billion 1MDB case and the RM42 million SRC International case.
Malaysiakini contacted the IRB this morning for comment on a potential loophole in how the BPN is distributed. However, Malaysiakini has yet to receive a response.
Yesterday, Malaysiakini reported that checks on the BPN system revealed that Najib’s wife, Rosmah Mansor, also qualified for BPN while Najib was not eligible.
Yesterday, through his Facebook post, Najib said that his wife had not applied for the aid and she was never notified of her qualification, noting that the process is automated based on IRB's records.
"If it is true and RM800 is automatically channelled to my wife's bank account, it will be donated to the government's Covid-19 Fund," Najib said on Facebook.
Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin had announced the BPN on March 29 as part of an economic stimulus package to soften the impact of Covid-19 on the economy.
Among others, the government will pay single individuals a total of RM800 in April and May, if they earn below RM2,000 per month.
Singles earning between RM2,001 and RM4,000 will receive RM500 over the period.
Meanwhile, households earning RM4,000 and below will receive a total of RM1,600, while households making between RM4,001 and RM8,000 will get RM1,000.
For the record, under the Members of Parliament Remuneration Act 1980, an MP is entitled to a salary of RM16,000 per month plus various perks and allowances. - Mkini

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