
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, April 16, 2020

Pro Pengganas Salafi Wahabi Bakal Jadi Mufti Wilayah ??

This is adapted and revised from here.
KL : Feathers ruffled over intense lobbying by Wahhabis to fill FT mufti spot 
fears that the replacement “regressive, restrictive..”
replacement mufti may push through Wahhabism 

most shortlisted candidates alumni of Islamic University of Madinah
institution funded by Saudis to promote Wahhabism

one name linked to PAS, an academic from Kelantan, Madinah alumnus
likely candidate for FT  mufti post
more receptive to Saudi playing dominant role in Muslim world
But senior PAS leaders not comfortable with his “Wahhabi outlook”
His religious views do not blend with Hadi Awang
Hadi  currently special envoy to Middle East
Hadi very critical of Riyadh’s policies

Wahhabism or Salafism origins in 17th century 
Camel herder Muhammad Wahhab returned to austerity

colluded with Saud family to set up what is known today as Saudi Arabia
Wahabi Salafi ideology dominant in Saudi  ever since

In M'sia, several personalities, groups accused of spreading Wahhabism
Wahabis came into close engagement with Najib Razak 
some given advisory posts in PMO (under Najib)

Wahhabi influence in Putrajaya seen in Msia support Saudi bomb Yemen
and religious authorities’ raids against Shias, Salafis arch-enemy in Middle East

Salafi Wahabi alliance dismantled after Najib’s fall from power
Dr M distanced himself from Riyadh’s claim to Islamic leadership 

names being bandied about include Umno’s  F...l  B..ri 
heads virulently pro-Saudi group
P----s m--ti himself Wahhabi

unwise to “recycle” candidates linked to former leaders
greatest worry is new mufti not Sunni Muslim
Sunnis frown upon Wahhabism / Salafism

My comments :

Elok lah itu. Kita sudah ada darul teroris. 
Dulu Police sudah cekup teroris ISIS berfoya-foya di madrasah di darul teroris.
Sekarang depa nak pilih pro pengganas Salafi Wahabi jadi mufti wilayah pula. 

Ini semua salah siapa?
Semua ini salah orang Melayu.
Orang Melayu yang masih tidur.
Belum buka mata dan belum celik apa pun.

Masa depan mereka diculik si kepala balut dan penglipurlara.
Apa perkataan lawan 'Go ahead'?
Jawapannya : Gostan. 

Gostan all the way.

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