
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, April 9, 2020

Saudis Getting Ass Kicked In Yemen, Declare Unilateral 'Covid 19' Ceasefire

Meanwhile the Corona Virus is also exploding across the Middle East and entering Africa. Here is a table of the Top 10 most populous countries in Africa. 

Folks, just add up the first four countries Nigeria, Ethiopia, Egypt and the Congo and you have 510 million people.  All four are what Donald Trump called  "sh_t hole countries".

The virus is just beginning to spread in Africa and the Middle East. 
Nigeria has six deaths so far  out of a population of 206 million. 
Egypt has 103 deaths out of 102 million people.

In the ongoing war in Yemen, yesterday the Saudi Arabian airforce bombed a Corona Virus quarantine center in a place called al Baidha :

"US-Saudi Airstrikes Hit Quarantine Center, Undermining Coronavirus Containment Efforts" 

Also yesterday the Saudis declared a unilateral ceasefire in their war against Yemen. The ceasefire should be in effect beginning 12.01 am today Thursday 9th April 2020.
  • BEIRUT  – Sources told Reuters Wed Saudi ceasefire on Thurs  April 9, 2020.
  • Saudi will announce cessation of military operations in Yemen 
  • partially agreed to avoid spread of coronavirus emerging in Yemen

"to avoid spread of coronavirus emerging in Yemen" ??   

This is pure Saudi camelshit. 

The Saudis are really getting their ass kicked in Yemen. After five years of being bombed from the air the Yemenis have finally managed to improve their anti aircraft defenses. The Yemenis have developed surface to air missiles (with Iranian help of course - but ONLY AFTER FIVE LONG YEARS) which have been able to shoot down Saudi jetplanes and American drones. 

About over a week ago the Yemenis fired long range missiles that also hit Riyadh the capital of Saudi Arabia.  This time no one said that the missiles were fired by Iran. (The US and Saudi had accused Iran of firing missiles at that Abqayq oil processing facility on 14th September 2019). Both Riyadh and Abqayq are about 1000+km from from Sanaa, Yemen.  But the eastern border of Yemen is closer to Abqayq.

However on the ground the Yemenis have scored major victories against the Saudis.

The Yemenis have captured an important region called Al Jawf which is near the northern border with Saudi Arabia. Circled in red in the map. Having captured al Jawf the Yemenis now control the entire northern region of Yemen.

The capture of Jawf also gave the Yemenis control over the road leading south to Maarib (blue circle on map). Maarib is another major town and district capital. The Yemenis are poised to capture Maarib as well. 

The Saudi stronghold in Yemen is the southern port city of Aden (circled green). Here too the Yemenis have made significant gains in the past weeks and days and will possibly take the port. But there are some politics on the ground.

The Saudis have certainly lost this aggression against Yemen. But I don't think they will give up. Both the Saudis and the US are fighting Yemen for fear of Iran. So I think they will keep the war going. 

A Saudi ceasefire most likely means the Saudi airforce will stop bombing Yemen from the air.

But their ground aggression using proxy militia inside Yemen, foreign troops and mercenaries from Sudan, Pakistan etc will continue.  

On the other side I believe Iran also does not wish to see a quick victory for the Yemenis. I think Iran wants to make Yemen become another "Vietnam" for Saudi Arabia and the US.  I am sure Iran would like to see the US, UK and Saudi Arabia bogged down  in an endless war and drain out their resources.

And Iran's ultimate, ultimate, final objective are two things : get rid of the ruling Al Saud regime (which is obvious and it will be good for the entire world) and gain access / control over Mecca and Medina (which they do not say openly - but I gathered this from listening to videos of Shia troops fighting ISIS in Iraq. After defeating ISIS the Shias say they are ready to go "all the way to Mecca"). 

So what is a little Corona Virus pandemic amidst all this plotting, conspiring, killing and maiming that is going on in the Middle East.  What is a pandemic?

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