
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

UK Premier Boris Johnson Out Of Hospital

And the US suspends funding for the World Health Organisation, saying (quite correctly) that the WHO has failed miserably in handling the Corona Virus pandemic.

world grapples with Covid-19 pandemic 
total deaths now 126,000
President Trump suspends funding for WHO

Trump alleged WHO severely mismanaged crisis
which began in Wuhan November last year

We have deep concerns whether America's generosity put to best use 

WHO failed to obtain, vet, share information in timely, transparent fashion

world depends on WHO for sharing timely information about health threats 
WHO failed in this basic duty and must be held accountable

US halt funding for WHO while review undertaken 
to assess WHO's "severely mismanaging and covering up coronavirus".

Americans provide US$400m-US$500 million per year to WHO 
China contributes US$40m a year 

As leading sponsor US has duty to insist on full accountability

"One of the most dangerous and costly decisions by WHO was its disastrous decision to oppose travel restrictions from China and other nations"

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