
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, April 14, 2020

YOURSAY | The stage is set – a multiracial vs monoracial coalition


YOURSAY | ‘Leave Mahathir to his own devices, there is no need to court him anymore.’
Vgeorgemy: We survived two decades of the onslaught against the politics of social, economic religious justice for the nation’s diverse communities from the politics of the majoritarianism.
Onn Jaafar of Parti Negara has failed in leading a diverse population of this beloved land, but PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim did it in style.
The Pakatan Harapan government has proven that its politics of representing a diverse population is possible. That itself is a great achievement.
We should strive towards the absolute victory of such politics. Harapan has more than enough leaders and party members who have the experience of dealing with the interest of the diverse population together.
The Harapan leadership must encourage such party members to come forward to lead the coalition in GE15.
Prudent: Yes, go for multiracial politics. That is the future of Malaysia - the future originally aborted by Abdul Razak Hussien and his ultras (which included Dr Mahathir Mohamad).
Not racial politics that was and is being used as a cover for kleptocracy and where any idiot can get promoted by mouthing the right racist rhetoric.
Go for and promote multiracial politics as Harapan's power base. That will enable the talents of all Malaysians to bloom.
Anonymous 2375491444207103: Harapan and Anwar, you know, most of the rakyat knows, the whole humanity knows, that being racist and religious extremist will bring ruin and destruction to any nation.
The correct remedy, though it is bitter and tougher to navigate, is to uphold all people with equal dignity and respect. That’s the foundation to empower and unleash their potential for the progress of the nation. Our neighbour down south is proof.
Will Harapan choose correctly? Will Harapan be committed and steadfast in its cause? Or will Harapan yield to temptations of power-grabbing and compromise its principles – that “politics more important than principles” and “the end justifies the means”?
Proarte: Unity is a prerequisite if we want to bring about effective change. Harapan must go back to the drawing board and ditch policies, personal fetishes and divisive factors which undermine good governance, a peaceful and harmonious society.
If Anwar wants to lead Harapan, then he must be told in no uncertain terms that he will be leading a secular coalition which focuses on commonalities which unite us. No more pandering to Malay racism and Islamic supremacy.
Anwar's politics has a subtext of 'Ketuanan Melayu' and 'Ketuanan Islam' because Anwar has not exorcised the Umno in him. Umno’s philosophy is one of entitlement, racism, and using Islam to divide, rule and to subjugate. This is plain evil and no good can ever come out such a diabolical mode of governance.
Anwar in many ways is a tragic character. He is charismatic, charming, talented and widely read. His biggest flaw is his inability to separate his personal Islamic faith from the public sphere and that has resulted in his inability to bring a plural society to unite with sincerity around him.
If Anwar did not lecture to us about Islam during political speeches, he would gain more support from everyone including Muslims. PAS despise him because, like pirates, they feel Islam is their 'territory' and he should not be operating on their 'turf'.
Umno despise him because he wants to put an end to crony capitalism, Bersatu despise him because they are the reverse side of the same Umno coin.
PKR is divided because Anwar, it has been reported, behaves like a 'dictator' and does not respect the democratic process in his party and appoints people unilaterally to positions of authority in his party without a democratic mandate. He practises 'cronyism' in his PKR.
If Anwar is to lead Harapan to victory, then there has to be a collective post-mortem and the component parties have to honestly deal with their flaws and mistakes and make corrective changes, not cosmetic ones.
If their faith or political philosophy does not allow them to work together as a united coalition, then they should leave rather than undermine Harapan.
For instance, Amanah leader Mujahid Rawa Yusof showed his true colours when he was religious affairs minister. His derogatory comments about LGBT citizens showed that he was not a true democrat or a moral individual but instead a bigoted bully who saw the LGBT as politically expendable.
Similarly, he showed himself as a political opportunist and an immoral person when he feted controversial Islamic preacher Zakir Naik and called him 'inspirational' despite knowing full well that he advised Muslims in Malaysia to vote for corrupt Muslim leaders in preference to upright non-Muslim ones.
How can Mujahid be a leader in a multi-racial and multi-religious nation such as ours? Why did Mujahid prostitute himself so easily and betray the spirit of 'New Malaysia' so quickly after all the hopes and promises given to us during the last election?
Anonymous 770241447347646: Stay on course, Anwar. Those who supported Harapan may return in 2023 and may even give you a better mandate.
Work seriously on the weaknesses and try and win more Malay support. Work hard to reach out to them, especially in the states Harapan is in control and show them they are your priority. Your efforts will in time reach the ears and eyes of the people in the other states.
Don't waste your time on Mahathir. He is like a leaf blown by the wind, swaying according to his own agenda.
Sarawak should be the next state to focus on. Keep on doing the work that will help the people in the interior. Do the work that really benefit them as they are simple people with a few needs.
Daylight: Yes, leave Mahathir to his own devices, there is no need to court him anymore.
The backdoor government will not last too long. Once Umno is ready for a snap election, it will pull the rug from Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin.
There is a lot of dissatisfaction among various Umno leaders, every one of them wants a cabinet position for personal reasons. - Mkini

1 comment:

  1. Good laa monoracial PN gohmen, tepuk tangan ramai ramai. Let us witness the destruction of Msia by PN backdoor clowns with all their doraemon's ideas. Syabas! Alhamdulilah.


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