
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, October 18, 2020

Big mouths and coalitions


MP SPEAKS | I have, many times, been told that I have a big mouth. Actually, it is true. Both literally and figuratively. Literally, I was once called the man with the widest smile, stretching from ear to ear. My laughter caused my own mother, once, to exclaim, “you laugh too loud and too much!”

Figuratively it means I talk too much, and I say what should not be said. I have to agree that that, too, most of the times, is true. That was what probably got me into the bad books of the current leaders of PAS and some of the previous ones like Hassan Ali. I just talk too much and say all the wrong things. For some.

I would like to share an incident in the early stages of the formation of Pakatan Harapan when the chairpersonship of Harapan was being decided. The Presidential Council was in session and all the component party leaders were in attendance. I think it was in late 2017. Kak Wan (Azizah Wan Ismail) was the PKR president as Anwar Ibrahim was still in prison then. Also present were Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Mohamad Sabu and Lim Guan Eng.

The issue of who should be the chairperson was being discussed and Mahathir’s name was being proposed. True to my reputation of having a big mouth, I asked, as I have asked numerous times in the past when conducting interview sessions, “why should you be chosen? What can you offer to Harapan?”

As we know, Harapan was in existence prior to Mahathir joining us and although objected to by Azmin Ali, who wanted Pakatan Rakyat to prevail as it included PAS, Harapan pulled through.

On hearing my question and its big-mouthed nature, the room suddenly fell silent. I felt as if I had done it again. Me and my big mouth! Mahathir and his guys may just blow up! The Malays, it is said, are not used to this big-mouthed kind of comments.

Then Jorak assemblyperson Shahruddin Mohd Salleh, in a controlled voice, blurted out: “So rude!”

Mahathir looked flustered but quickly composed himself. Then he replied: “I believe I can bring in the needed Malay votes to steer Harapan to victory. All this while, Harapan has failed to win the confidence of the Malay voters. Harapan needs to be seen to be more committed to the Malay issues, my being the chairperson can help in that direction.”

And the room came alive again. And I breathed again. And for various and differing reasons, we agreed to accept him as our chairperson.

Then, a few months down the road, after winning the general election, I was surprised to be called up by Mahathir. He asked if I would accept the appointment as the federal territories minister. I was surprised at being offered, as I felt he did not like me and my big mouth, yet unbelievably, I managed to do it again!

“Uhhh… FT minister? Why not the works minister?” I asked in jest.

Mahathir replied: “No, the FT minister. The works minister I already have a candidate”.

And it was Baru Bian. So, I said OK, I will give it a shot.

And the best part was that Mahathir then appointed the man who said I was “so rude” as my deputy minister! Perhaps to teach me to keep my big mouth in check. Not that he would succeed, as I am made that way. Some are born with silver tongues, others with big mouths.

And many months later, in a cabinet meeting, as we were discussing the political situation, Mahathir, out of nowhere said: “and I remember, somebody asked me why I should be made the chairperson of Harapan.”

Everyone laughed and looked at me. I had forgotten all about the incident as I do it so often. Mahathir did not. He remembered it too well for a 94-year-old man then. Perhaps he did not face such questions as often. But it would seem he did not hold it against me either.

So, if I do appear to have a big mouth, please understand, it is true. I say things which I believe needs to be said. Question what I believe needs to be questioned. But I do not have a big head and I pity those with big heads, figuratively speaking, who tell me to shut up and toe the line, believing they know best. As I said, I am not made that way. My sincerest apologies.

Moral of the story? Good and strong coalitions will survive my big mouth.

KHALID SAMAD is MP for Shah Alam and Amanah communications director. - Mkini

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