
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, December 20, 2020

Fined RM2,000 for assaulting woman - AGC to appeal for heavier sentence


An RM2,000 fine slapped on a 58-year-old man who assaulted a young woman at Desa Petaling, Kuala Lumpur on Dec 16 had left many people perplexed.

Netizens had expressed their frustration with the sentencing which they claim failed to serve justice onto the 27-year-old victim who had sustained bleeding of the mouth and gums after allegedly being punched repeatedly by the man over a misunderstanding at a condominium.

In a Facebook post shared by user Snow Kwong, who claimed to be the victim's brother, the woman who wore braces was quoted as saying that the impact of the punches to her head resulted in a massive headache and swelling.

Another Facebook user Ricky Ong said: "RM2,000 is peanuts to an owner of a Mercedes (the suspect)... the hurt and injury are too much for the fine."

Netizen Jeremy Tankh was also dumbfounded by the punishment.

"Beating the poor woman until like that only got charged (fined) RM2,000? What justice is this? Everyone can now go around and beat someone else up and then pay up RM2,000," he wrote.

The case is believed to have been caused by a misunderstanding between the victim and the suspect. Tgram: bit.ly/mktg8

Posted by Malaysiakini on Friday, December 18, 2020

In a brief reply to Malaysiakini yesterday, Attorney-General Idrus Harun said the prosecution will make an appeal.

"We will file an appeal," he said in a text message when asked to comment on the lenient punishment and whether the Attorney-General's Office would review the case.

For the record, the man was charged under Section 323 of the Penal Code which carries the maximum penalty of one-year imprisonment, a fine of RM2,000, or both.

The incident occurred when the victim was said to have honked at the perpetrator who allegedly obstructed traffic at the condominium's car park.

The perpetrator then moved his car but confronted the victim when she was walking towards the lobby. He purportedly grabbed her hair and punched her.

The CCTV recording of the incident was shared by Kwong in his Facebook post.

The perpetrator's son had allegedly apologised and pleaded with the victim's mother not to press charges against the man claiming he was stressed. - Mkini

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