
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, December 11, 2020

Leaders must not indulge in racial insults


Kedah Menteri Besar (MB) Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor is no stranger to controversy. In September, a video surfaced in which he appeared to laugh at a person he spoke to, who was asking for aid from a Kedah state agency.

Earlier this month, he announced that the Kedah state government has awarded a permit to a Kuala Lumpur-based company to prospect and extract rare earth elements in the state purportedly worth ‘RM43 trillion’. It was later clarified that the rare earth was only worth an estimated RM62 billion, and not RM43 trillion.

His latest controversy was in relation to the Sri Raja Muniswarar Hindu temple in Taman Bersatu, Kuala Kedah. The MB was heavily panned by various quarters, including the opposition, and even by political allies of his own party, PAS.

In response to these criticisms, Sanusi published a statement on his Facebook page, where he suggested that his critics, were "drunk on the toddy of popularity" and advised them not to act as if they are "drunk on three bottles after consuming only one".

When faced with further backlash over his comments, Sanusi doubled down. He reportedly told those who slammed him over the remarks to ‘re-enrol in Bahasa Melayu classes’.

According to reports, Sanusi said that his remarks were merely metaphors (kiasan) and proverbs (bidalan). He even told the public in a news conference to ‘avoid Malaysiakini’, appearing to suggest that the news outlet had 'twisted' his remarks.

His remarks were obviously a racial slur. Those who criticised him were ethnic Indian leaders from DAP and MIC. He indulged in the toxic racial stereotype of ‘Indians drinking toddy’. He would not have used those remarks against Malays or Chinese critics.

Sanusi must realise that he is not just a political leader, but the executive head of a state. A state with a significant ethnic minority, in a multi-racial and plural country such as Malaysia.

Unfortunately, such racial slurs, remarks, and prejudice are not uncommon in the Malaysian political scene. There have been many instances before Sanusi in which politicians have called other races immigrants (pendatang) or ‘passenger’ (penumpang). In 2015, Umno's Jamal Md Yunos was reported to have called an ethnic Chinese reporter a ‘crazy Chinese pig’ (Cina gila babi).

Jamal Md Yunos

These remarks and insults are unacceptable and cannot be tolerated. It is uncalled for between individuals, and should never be uttered or used by political leaders who have more influence and clout.

Political leaders must take the lead in building an inclusive and plural society, founded on the principles and aspirations in the Rukun Negara and the sacrosanct provisions of the Federal Constitution.

Political leaders should unite the people, not further divide and inflame the differences between us. Political leaders must show the people that all Malaysians, irrespective of ethnicity, religion, culture, skin colour, gender, and all other differences, have a place under the Malaysian sun.

We all share a common destiny in Malaysia. It is time we accept others as having a stake in this country, and not indulge in racial insults or stereotyping.

SYAHREDZAN JOHAN is a civil liberties lawyer and political secretary to Iskandar Puteri MP Lim Kit Siang. - Mkini

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of MMKtT.

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