
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, March 26, 2021

Hishamuddin Hussein Onn And The Party of Doom

 Hi folks. I was having a chit chat with people and heard the following 'stories'. Just to share with you. This is not 100% aboslutely correct ok. So whatever investment decisions you may make after reading this shall be at your own discretion and your own risk. If you get rich, good for you. If you lose money, dont blame me ok. Here goes:

This post is about the planned demise of Umno, the future of Hishamuddin Hussein Onn (H2O) and where the politics might be headed. 

1.  The Umno assembly tomorrow

The Umno fellows are having their pow-wow on the 27th and 28th March 2021. That is tomorrow.  Everyone is saying their gathering (part face to face and part online) is going to be panas. Panas tak panas, no one really cares.  Umno sudah mampos.

The big debate (apparently) will be whether UMNO breaks away from Bersatu and pulls out of Perikatan Nasional or Umno stays with Bersatu/PN. There is some confusion where the majority of Umno would like to be. Some among the Cluster Mahkamah aka Cluster Lokap SPRM aka Cluster Baju Lokap do not want to stay with Bersatu/PN. They want to break away.

Others want to remain with Bersatu / PN. Who will win? Possibly the Cluster Baju Lokap will win. But after that nothing will happen. Do  read on.

2. There is no leadership in UMNO and PKR. 

Zahid carries no more weight in Umno. If any one of the 47 charges against him stick, its adios Wak. Zahid sekarang menjadi 'secret weapon' bagi Genda (Hamzah) dan Bersatu. Selagi Zahid kekal presiden parti, maka selama itulah Umno tiada pimpinan, tiada kepala and tidak ada otak. It is as simple as that.  

Di bawah pimpinan Zahid yang kosong dan tak tentu hala, UMNO telah pun kehilangan lebih 10 orang pemimpin senior yang juga ahli Parlimen.  Dan kemungkinan besar akan berlaku satu lagi "penghijrahan" pemimpin dan ahli Parlimen Umno ke Bersatu. Possibly before the Emergency is lifted in August 2021. Perancangan Bersatu ialah bagi 'PN' mempunyai sekitar 123 Ahli Parlimen yang menyokongnya di Dewan. Kalaulah Bersatu boleh kumpulkan 123 Ahli Parlimen, maka 'Game Over' lah bagi sesiapa yang planning untuk mengulangi "No Confidence Vote".   

And here is the interesting part - samada Ahli Parlimen Umno akan hijrah lagi ke Bersatu atau tidak, parti Umno masih akan padam. This is the end of the road bagi Umno. Umno akan tetap padam.

Begitu juga dalam parti PKR, pemimpin mereka Brader Anwar sekarang sudah menjadi 'of no consequence' bagi masa depan PKR.   Brader Anwar  is about as useful as an old coin operated telephone. Brader Anwar pun menjadi 'secret weapon' bagi PN, terutama sekali bagi Bersatu.  Secret weapon yang akan menghancurkan PKR dari dalam. 

Have you noticed that Brader Anwar has gone very quiet the past week? Where is he? He is probably busy giving tuition to his close buddy Wak Jahid on how to handle tomorrow's Umno meetings. 

Because politics and political parties are all about leaders and leadership maka kedua Umno dan PKR sekarang adalah leaderless. They do not have leadership. Samada mereka mempunyai 3.0 juta ahli atau 300,000 ahli itu tidak relevan selagi parti mereka tidak mempunyai pemimpin dan pimpinan yang baik. 

Sebaliknya whether you agree or not, pimpinan Bersatu di bawah Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin adalah kukuh dan united. Selain DAP, parti Bersatu adalah parti yang paling kukuh kedudukannya (DAP menduduki nombor 1).

Antara PKR, UMNO dan Bersatu hanya Bersatu yang mempunyai kedudukan solid dengan mempunyai hala tuju yang jelas. 

3. No succession in UMNO, PKR AND Bersatu.

After Zahid there is now no clear cut leader who can become president of UMNO. Yes the names of H2O and Mat Hassan were being tossed around but over the past few months (and weeks) the situation has changed much in UMNO. Observers say Mat Hassan has lost ground in Umno even in his home state of Negeri Sembilan. Of course he does not have much support from Umno outside Negeri Sembilan. 

The same is being said for H2O. Talk is H2O has lost ground among the Umno boys even in his own home state of Johor, including in Sembrong. 

Tomorrow's Umno assembly will be a test of strength whether the pro-Bersatu / PN faction will win or not. Either way it is curtains for Umno. One theory is that the 'Cluster Mahkamah' will win ie for Umno to leave Bersatu / PN. The pro Zahid and Anwar faction want the same thing. Or this is what some people want to happen - which will then "force" the pro Bersatu faction to break away from Umno. They will have little choice but to declare their support for Bersatu / PN. 

Other than Mat Hassan and H2O there is no one else that the party will support. So even the succession inside UMNO is unclear.

Dr Mahathir has offered to "rejoin" Umno as its president. Tengku Razaleigh harbours a very strong desire to lead the party. At this point in its history, where Umno is in the lowest dumps, If either Dr Mahathir or Tengku Razaleigh lead Umno the party may see a drastic change in its fortunes. You may like it or you may not like it but either one of them can certainly re-engineer Umno. But whether that may be good for the country, the Malays and the rest of society remains to be seen. Dr Mahathir had TWO shots as PM. He screwed up the second one completely.  Tengku Razaleigh is a true blue gentleman. 

Coming back to succession - the same applies for Bersatu. After Tan Sri Muhyiddin who can replace him? One frontrunner is of course Genda himself.  But it is too early to say.  Genda is of course very close to Muhyiddin. Talk is Genda is also very close to Tun Dr Mahathir. That is why he never says anything negative about Tun Dr Mahathir. The same goes for Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. They never attack Dr Mahathir.  Maybe there is a wayang going on. 

4. People say that at least NINE more MPs will either join or declare support for Tan Sri Muhyiddin and Bersatu. That will take it to 123 MPs for PN and 99 for PR. Some will have to come from PKR.

That will most likely happen before August 2021. Or it might happen after the Umno assembly tomorrow. If (or when) that happens Tan Sri Muhyiddin will continue as PM until 2023. There will be no need for snap elections.  "Genda" (Hamzah Zainuddin) is busy working in the background including "buying infrastructure".  Genda is considered a Mahathir loyalist. Have you ever heard him saying a nasty word about Dr Mahathir?

5. So will Hishamuddin Onn jump to Bersatu? Will it happen after the Umno assembly tomorrow? Lets wait a couple of days.  

But if he wants to jump H2O should do it now. The Umno elections come by later this year. If H2O cannot secure the party presidency (from Zahid) then his career in Umno is finished. It will also be too late for H2O to jump ship to Bersatu AFTER he loses any Umno party elections. It is better for H2O to jump to Bersatu now. If he can bring a few UMNO MPs, Ketua Bahagian and other party leaders with him, then he can walk into a grand welcome in Bersatu. Since Bersatu has no proper succession to Muhyiddin, H2O can easily fill a big void. 

Since the party is already doomed, H2O is really wasting his time waiting for the roof to fall down in Umno. The better option for H2O would be to switch to Bersatu now. 

Where is the economy headed? Where is the country headed? Sadly those issues are not part of any of these equations. They are unrelated.  And that is where the politicians are failing and will continue to fail.  No matter who jumps where or does not jump they have no clear cut ideas about what to do with the economy.  Hence they will fail. 

But first things first - Bersatu / PN needs to secure their position in Parliament. There is a clock ticking on this one - before the Emergency is lifted in August 2021. Between now and then a few things need to happen.  So lets see what happens.  

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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