
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, March 25, 2021

IGP Says "YB Menteri tidak tahu". May I suggest YAB Prime Minister intervene directly. This is an opportunity to clean up the Police.

 Here are two of the many videos of the IGP Tan Sri Hamid Bador saying the things he has been saying lately. 

It looks like the IGP is on a warpath.  Lets not leave him alone to fight this good fight. Where are the NGOs, the Bar Council, those corruption and crime fighting groups etc? Why are you all keeping silent? Now is the time for all of you to come out in force and support the IGP in this mission.

Perhaps as a consequence to the IGP's statements - Malaysia Today has come out with another article 'pointing names and naming fingers' in the Police. I will not be giving you the link here, nanti kena panggil pula. But I would assume that the people who have been named would at least deny the allegations.

I have met SIX serving and former IGPs, a few of which are personal friends. I first met Tan Sri Hamid Bador years ago from just after he was 'fired' by the Najib mob. I believe it was at a gathering at one of the Tun's places. He came up to me and introduced himself. (He was reading my blog). Hamid is a good guy - which is why he got fired by the Najib mob and which is also why he is in the thick of things again today.  This is a person who is not afraid to rock the boat. 

So again to all you civil society people, the NGOs, the Bar Council, the honest politicians (if there are any), the non-hypocritical politicians (quite the unknown species) now is the time to rally fully behind the IGP and really help him clean up the Police force. Do not sit on your hands doing nothing. Do not miss this opportunity.

Can I appeal to my blog readers (and supporters) - please reach out to your NGO friends and interest groups, the Church groups, the civil society groups to make Media Statements, organise Press Conferences and just make some noise to say that you support the IGP in his efforts to clean up the Police.

Dearest blog readers, this is our country. If we do not hang together, we will surely hang separately.

There is also something else. If what the IGP says is true (and I have no reason to doubt him) there can be some "repercussions" on all of us. Do read on.

But before that - the statement by the Minister of Home Affairs Zainuddin Hamzah is very disappointing. Which is why I would advise the Prime Minister to intervene directly.

The IGP says the corruption in the Police is really bad  "mengambil duit daripada bawah, bawa ke atas".  The IGP has also spoken clearly about a plot to topple him and he has strongly alluded to the influence of organised crime organisations in the Police force.

And what did the Home Minister Hamzah Zainuddin say? Hamzah (quite dismissively) told the IGP to take his complaints to the Police Commission (?) 

The IGP replied with a polite "YB Menteri tidak tahu".   I find it very difficult to believe that "YB Menteri tidak tahu". 

That is why I think the YAB Prime Minister should intervene directly in this case.

  • The IGP Hamid Bador has now clearly said that this "mengambil duit daripada bawah, bawa ke atas" has to stop. 
  • Hamid says this was the practice "dari dulu".  

Hence Raja Petra's article which says that the corruption and the influence of organised crime in the Police force has been going on for a long time is not off the mark at all. 

I hope my good friend Dato Azam Baki the Chief Commissioner of the MACC will investigate what the IGP has said about "mengambil duit daripada bawah, bawa ke atas" because this is the crux of the matter.  Meaning the highest levels were involved.

And this level of "alleged" corruption cannot go on for this long without the involvement of the politicians. 

(To digress, as another example the Bazar Ramadan issue has cropped up again in KL. The issue went dead for a very short time. Now it is back. The Bazar Ramadan has always been associated with corruption - plain and simple.  Just for your information,  TWO MINISTERS who  were involved in the affairs of the Wilayah Persekutuan in the past (as Ministers) have now been charged in Court with corruption. Doraemon and Tengku Mamak. Their corruption charges have nothing to do with the Bazar Ramadan but n'theless both these ex-Ministers were once responsible for Wilayah Persekutuan matters. And under their respective watches there were even arrests over the Bazar Ramadan corruption. The point I am trying to make is that all these "dari dulu" type of corruption always has politicians involved - and they usually get away scot free.) 

Without corrupt politicians the corruption cannot go on for so long.  As long as the politicians are corrupted then that is how long the government departments and government agencies will be corrupted.

Back to the Police. With the IGP's brave exposure those corrupt policemen with links to organised crime may be forced to "lie low".  Especially when the IGP says that "things are under control" and that he knows the names of some of these crooked cops.

What this means is that to avoid getting caught these crooked cops may cut their links to the organised crime fellows. So the organised crime syndicates will be without the protection of their 'Police godfathers'.  The organised crime fellows will not be able to conduct their business as per the normal "mengambil duit daripada bawah, bawa ke atas".

They will be left to fend for themselves on the streets. My prediction is minus the protection of the crooked cops, turf wars and gang wars will soon begin among these crime syndicates. It will be "dog eat dog" soon.  

The IGP should be ready for this possibility as well. Even street crime may increase. Which will have bad consequences for the government of the day.

So NGOs, Bar Council, civil society groups, Church groups, Islamic organisations now is the time to speak up. Show your support for the IGP. Thank you.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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