
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Dr Mahathir Asked Hamid Bador To Attack The Home Minister


As what Lokman Noor Adam said many times, Home Minister Hamzah Zainudin is the real stumbling block. He is the one making it difficult to oust Muhyiddin. Hence, they must first get rid of Hamzah before Muhyiddin can fall.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

On the surface, it appears like former IGP Abdul Hamid Bador is exposing ‘political interference’ in the Royal Malaysian Police Force (PDRM) a.k.a. Bukit Aman. The perception Hamid Bador is trying to create is that he is the good guy while the politicians are the bad guys.

Whether politicians are good guys or bad guys need not be discussed here because we all know politicians serve themselves and their parties first — and God, King and Country last. And if you can show me one politician who is working for the rakyat, then I will show you a virgin prostitute.

Hamid Bador is attacking Hamzah Zainudin under orders from Tun Dr Mahathir

A revelation or exposé has to be a secret — something that no one knew before this. If you were to make a revelation or exposé that the US lost the Vietnam War, or that Russia lost the war in Afghanistan, what kind of revelation or exposé is that? That is no secret.

The Kluster anti-Muhyiddin is jumping onto Hamid Bador’s bandwagon and is going to town regarding his so-called revelation or exposé about ‘political interference in the police force’. However, the attack is not targeted at all politicians, past and present. It is targeted at just Home Minister Hamzah Zainudin.

Does Hamid Bador think Malaysians do not know that politicians have been ‘interfering in the police force’ for the last 64 years since Merdeka? Hamid Bador belum bersunat lagi when all this had been happening.

So this so-called revelation or exposé is 64 years too late.

Tun Dr Mahathir asked Hamid Bador to attack Hamzah Zainudin because he is an obstacle to the effort to oust PM Muhyiddin Yassin

The late Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia’s first prime minister, once revealed that he had asked Bukit Aman to NOT grant a police permit for Chinese anti-government demonstrations, but another ‘powerful politician’ had rescinded that order. This ‘powerful politician’ not only asked the police to allow the Chinese anti-government demonstrations to go on, but also ordered that all police officers be taken off the streets.

It was said this was one of the triggers of the 13th May 1969 race riots.

The truth is Hamid Bador’s revelation or exposé is no revelation or exposé. It is something that has been happening for 64 years and something most Malaysians already know. What is really going on is Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad asked Hamid Bador to attack Hamzah Zainudin. If they want to oust Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, then they first need to get rid of Hamzah.

They thought Muhyiddin would have been ousted the very latest by October 2020, which was six months ago. Their felt that Muhyiddin is weak and will not be able to withstand the onslaught from the Kluster anti-Muhyiddin. But they now realise it is not that easy to oust Muhyiddin after all.

As what Lokman Noor Adam said many times, Home Minister Hamzah Zainudin is the real stumbling block. He is the one making it difficult to oust Muhyiddin. Hence, they must first get rid of Hamzah before Muhyiddin can fall.

That is why Dr Mahathir asked Hamid Bador to attack Hamzah by revealing, kononnya, ‘political interference in the police force’. They are suggesting this is the first time in 64 years since Merdeka that this is happening. Yeah, right. Maybe only those anti-Perikatan Nasional people will believe this flight of fantasy.

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