
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, June 28, 2021

What Does The Opposition Want From The Agong?


But who will this “interim” Prime Minister be? Since Muhyiddin has the support of 98 MPs and since no one else has more than 98 MPs with him, His Majesty the Agong appoints Muhyiddin as that “interim” PM. And since the opposition said they will leave it to the Agong to decide what happens next and who the “interim” PM should be, will the opposition now keep quiet and accept the Agong’s decision?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

For more than 55 years since DAP was formed, Lim Kit Siang and other DAP leaders have been alleging that Malaysia is a failed state. And they list many examples or reasons as to why Malaysia is a failed state.

The truth is, there is a certain criterion before any country can be called a failed state and Malaysia does not fit into that category, but DAP and its leaders have been telling Malaysians for the last 55 years that Malaysia is undoubtedly a failed state.

Then they say Singapore is successful after it broke away from Malaysia, and if it had remained in Malaysia, it would not have been so successful. The fact that in 1965 the Singapore Dollar was one-to-one with the Malaysian Ringgit and now it is more than RM3.00 to the Singapore Dollar is evidence of Singapore’s success.

Lim Guan Eng shattered the myth that a Chinese Finance Minister is better than a Malay Finance Minister

Then the punchline. Singapore is successful because it has a Chinese government and not a Malay government like Malaysia. In fact, Malaysia was great when Tan Siew Sin was Finance Minister, and if Malaysia has a Chinese Finance Minister the country can be as great as Singapore.

In May 2018, Malaysia got a Chinese Finance Minister and the myth that a Chinese Finance Minister is better than a Malay Finance Minister and Malaysia will be as great as Singapore if it had a Chinese Finance Minister was proven false.

For more than 50 years they kept repeating that Malaysia is a failed state, but when these same people were allowed to form the government and run the country, they were not able to do even 10% of what they said. In fact, in some areas, they did even worse.

Anwar Ibrahim did the same thing. Since the 1970s he had been condemning the government. Then, in 1982, he joined the government on the excuse he needs to change or reform the government, and this can only be done from the inside.

Anwar Ibrahim is a drama queen who speaks with a forked tongue

However, after joining Umno, he became worse than the people he condemned. It was not he who changed Umno, but Umno that changed him. Money politics or corruption in Umno became worse and Anwar spent hundreds of millions to climb the ladder in his 16 years career in Umno.

The opposition no longer has any credibility and has lost its moral right to preach. For more than 50 years we have been listening to them scream and shout about what is wrong with the country. And now they are at it again.

The latest issue is regarding Parliament. They say Parliament must sit so that the MPs can discuss and debate the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. What is there to discuss? Selangor is under Pakatan Harapan, and Selangor is the worst performing state. It’s infection and death rate are the highest and the vaccination program is lagging the other states.

Why can’t they solve Selangor’s Covid-19 and vaccination problem first if they are so full of marvelous ideas? 

If Pakatan Harapan has many marvellous ideas on how to solve the Covid-19 problem, then do it in Selangor first. They cannot even handle Selangor and they want to teach Parliament how to solve the whole country’s problem. And is not the former Health Minister in charge of the Covid-19 situation in Selangor?

Actually, Lokman Noor Adam said last night (and many nights before this over the last few months) that they need Parliament to sit so that they can remove Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin because he is not doing a good job.

And how are they going to remove Muhyiddin?

They will pass a vote of no confidence against Muhyiddin and if they can get at least 111 MPs to support that vote then they will demand that His Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong remove Muhyiddin as Prime Minister.

Okay, what happens after Muhyiddin is ousted? Well, this matter will then be left to His Majesty the Agong to decide. After Muhyiddin is ousted they will allow the Agong to decide what the next move is going to be and whether Parliament is dissolved to make way for GE15 or whether the Agong appoints what Lokman calls an “interim” Prime Minister of a “caretaker” government.

In short, they just want Muhyiddin kicked out and after that the ball is at the Agong’s feet to kick in any direction His Majesty sees fit.

They just want Muhyiddin Yassin ousted but they have no plan as to what happens after that 

But this was already done on 1st March 2020. The ball was already at His Majesty the Agong’s feet when Pakatan Harapan kicked Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad out in February 2020. But when His Majesty made the decision as to what to do next, they could not accept it.

Today they want to do the same thing as what they did in February 2020. They want to, again, oust the Prime Minister and then hand the matter to the Agong for His Majesty to decide what happens next. What if His Majesty decides something they do not like, like what happened on 1st March 2020? Are they, again, going to oust the Prime Minister because His Majesty did not choose the PM9 of their liking?

Okay, let’s say they pass a vote of no confidence against Muhyiddin and then no one can get more than 100 MPs to support him as PM9. And let’s say Muhyiddin gets the support of 98 MPs followed by Anwar Ibrahim, Hishammuddin Hussein, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, Mohamad Hasan, and so on, all getting less than 98 MPs each.

Muhyiddin may have lost his 113-MP-majority in Parliament, but no one else has more than Muhyiddin’s 98 MPs either. Hence Muhyiddin still wins with the largest minority even though he may have lost his majority, as his critics allege.

Lokman Adam says just oust Muhyiddin first and then leave it to the Agong to decide what happens next

So what happens now? Lokman says they will leave it to the Agong to decide. Okay, His Majesty the Agong decides that dissolving Parliament to make way for a snap GE15 is too dangerous. So, instead, His Majesty will appoint an “interim” Prime Minister until the Covid-19 situation improves and it is safe to hold a snap GE15.

But who will this “interim” Prime Minister be? Since Muhyiddin has the support of 98 MPs and since no one else has more than 98 MPs with him, His Majesty the Agong appoints Muhyiddin as that “interim” PM. And since the opposition said they will leave it to the Agong to decide what happens next and who the “interim” PM should be, will the opposition now keep quiet and accept the Agong’s decision?

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