
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, July 2, 2021

Cynthia Gabriel Finally Pays For Her Mortal Sin


Nothing that comes out from the mouths of these Pakatan Harapan people is the truth. The truth from Pakatan Harapan is as rare as a virgin in a brothel.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour” (Exodus 20:16) is the ninth commandment of the Ten Commandments. Islam also considers slander as a Mortal Sin, equivalent to murder or to “eating the flesh of your brother”.

But this does not stop those Pakatan Harapan people from slandering everyone who does not share their political beliefs and sentiments. Either you are with me or else it is halal for me to lie about you, is the doctrine that the Pakatan Harapan people live by.

Well, Cynthia Gabriel has finally had to pay for her Mortal Sin of lying. Rosli Dahlan, the lawyer she slandered, has extracted an apology and admission from her that she lied.

READ MORE HERE: Cynthia Gabriel And C4 Apologise To Rosli Dahlan For Fitnah (Falsehood And Slander)

This is not the first time she lied. She lied that the French police were investigating Najib Tun Razak for the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu. She even got the French lawyer to fly down to Kuala Lumpur to hold a press conference to announce the investigation by the French police.

That was a lie.

In fact, the French police even said Altantuya, Najib Tun Razak and Razak Baginda did not have dinner on the Eiffel Tower, as Cynthia had alleged, or had even entered France anytime during that period they were supposed to have had dinner on the Eiffel Tower.

These Pakatan Harapan people love slandering and lying. Anwar Ibrahim plays this slandering and lying game to the hilt. He can lie through his teeth with a straight face, or dengan muka selamba.

Where are the six boxes of evidence regarding Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s corruption? Where is the copy of the RM90 million cheque that Najib was alleged to have paid PAS, which Anwar said he will be revealing in a few days, many years ago? Where are the 30 Umno Members of Parliament who will be supporting Pakatan Harapan’s vote of no confidence against Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin?

Bohong demi bohong demi bohong!

Lim Kit Siang lies! Lim Guan Eng lies! Mat Sabu Lies! Khalid Samad lies! Tian Chua lies! Even Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail lied about Anwar’s Omega watch that he lost when he had sex with that Chinese prostitute. The entire Pakatan Harapan leadership lies! They are just incapable of telling the truth.

And that is one of the reasons why I decided to turn my back on Anwar and Pakatan Rakyat back in 2010. They were lying non-stop, and I could no longer take it.

Remember that lie about the 40,000 Bangladeshi “phantom” voters who stole the general election from Pakatan Rakyat? That has now been proven a lie as well.

Nothing that comes out from the mouths of these Pakatan Harapan people is the truth. The truth from Pakatan Harapan is as rare as a virgin in a brothel.

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