
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, July 2, 2021

Zahid Has Committed Hara Kiri By Lying To The Agong


Many underestimated Muhyiddin and thought that ousting him would be a walk in the park. They are now beginning to realise that Muhyiddin has his ways of doing things and that he walks softly but wields a big stick. Anwar and Zahid are about to wake up to the reality that they are seeing the last days of their political careers.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Umno President Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has been caught with his pants down. In his audience with Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong on 11th June 2021, he had misinformed His Majesty about Umno’s decision regarding its support for the government.

This lie was revealed today by Istana Negara — the letter which has since gone viral in the internet and on the social media.

Over the last few days since England beat Germany 2-0, Zahid has been summoning all Umno leaders and MPs to ask them to sign a statutory declaration agreeing to resign from the government on of before 1st August 2021 once the Emergency officially ends.

Some have signed, albeit reluctantly, while those who refuse to sign have avoided meeting Zahid.

This has caused a serious and most likely permanent split in Umno. Some say this split is as bad the 1988 and 1998 split when Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad made his move to finish off the political careers of Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah and Anwar Ibrahim respectively.

Zahid Hamidi’s betrayal to the party and lie to His Majesty the Agong exposed

They say a drowning man surfaces three times before going down for good. They also say three times lucky, or three strikes and you are out. Which is it for Umno? Can they survive this third internal war unscathed?

PKR needs Umno (or rather Anwar Ibrahim needs Zahid Hamidi) to be able to oust Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin once the Emergency ends on 1st August 2021 (or when Parliament is reconvened before 1st August 2021 — whichever comes first). Anwar and Zahid are like Siamese twins joined at the hip. If one dies, the other will die as well.

Hence Anwar’s and Zahid’s fates are tied together. If Zahid dies, so does Anwar, and vice versa. And now PKR is also having its own civil war between the pro-Anwar and anti-Anwar factions — while the pro-Zahid and anti-Zahid factions in Umno fight it out as well.

Meanwhile PAS, PPBM, MCA, MIC, Gerakan, and the parties from Sabah and Sarawak, are watching with interest and concern which way the dominoes are going to fall. Anwar and Zahid have less than 30 days to get their act together.

If Parliament is reconvened before 1st August 2021 while Umno and PKR are still fighting their civil wars, the planned coup against Muhyiddin has a snowball’s chance in hell of succeeding. And this is going to be Anwar’s sixth failed attempt at toppling the government.

The older generation will remember Anwar’s many failed attempts since 1998 at toppling four Prime Ministers, which all ended up in huge embarrassments for the opposition. His last attempt in 2020 resulted in him toppling his own government (tendang bola masuk gol sendiri).

Many underestimated Muhyiddin and thought that ousting him would be a walk in the park. They are now beginning to realise that Muhyiddin has his ways of doing things and that he walks softly but wields a big stick. Anwar and Zahid are about to wake up to the reality that they are seeing the last days of their political careers.



Dalam ketiadaan PAU, MKT adalah badan tertinggi dan ia boleh membuat apa-apa keputusan, selagi tidak bercanggah atau mengubah keputusan Perhimpunan Agong(PAU).

Bagi perkara yang tidak menyentuh keputusan PAU, bolehlah MKT membuat keputusannya sendiri..

Jangan di langgari USUL BERTULIS YANG DI LULUSKAN TANPA PINDAAN TEMPOH HARI. Jika di buat juga, dia akan menimbulkan kontroversi yang mengundang ROS campur tangan, atau ada pihak yang bawa ke mahkamah untuk mendapat ruling.

Itu merbahaya bagi parti, kerana keputusan mungkin tidak memihak kepada kita.

Tan Sri Annuar Musa


MKT Tidak Boleh Langkau Keputusan PAU

(PN BBC) – Majlis Kerja Tertinggi (MKT) tidak boleh membuat keputusan mengatasi usul diputuskan oleh Perhimpunan Agung UMNO 2020 (PAU) lalu.

Ahli Parlimen Padang Rengas, Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz berkata antara keputusan besar dibuat PAU 2020 adalah tidak akan bekerjasama dengan Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (BERSATU) dan Perikatan Nasional (PN) apabila Parlimen dibubarkan.

“Keputusan itu dibuat berdasarkan usul yang dibentangkan ketika PAU tempoh hari. PAU adalah badan tertinggi dalam UMNO, jadi sekiranya Majlis Kerja Tertinggi nak ubah keputusan PAU maka perlu panggil perhimpunan khas untuk buat keputusan baharu,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan kepada media hari ini

Nazri berkata demikian sebagai mengulas laporan portal Utusan Malaysia yang mendakwa Presiden UMNO bertemu Ahli-Ahli Parlimen UMNO untuk menarik sokongan terhadap PN sebelum 1 Ogos ini.

Laporan itu menyebut lebih 10 ahli Ahli Parlimen yang juga Ahli Majlis Tertinggi UMNO dipanggil menemui Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi dan timbalannya, Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan serta Setiausaha Agung UMNO, Datuk Ahmad Maslan di ibu pejabat UMNO.

Mengulas lanjut, Nazri yang juga Ahli MKT menegaskan beliau tidak pernah dipanggil untuk berbincang tentang penarikan sokongan terhadap PN.

“Saya selaku Ahli Parlimen Padang Rengas dari UMNO tidak pernah dipanggil untuk berbincang hal berkaitan menarik sokongan terhadap PN.

“Sepatutnya semua Ahli Parlimen UMNO perlu dipanggil kerana yang menyokong kerajaan sedia ada ini adalah Ahli Parlimen UMNO,” katanya.

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