
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, February 10, 2022

Correct weak employment policies for contract workers - MMA to HR ministry

The Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) is demanding the Human Resource Ministry and its minister M Saravanan to revise its policies for the employment of contract workers.

MMA president Dr Koh Kar Chai noted that one hospital cleaner - who is also a single mother - had been earning a monthly salary of RM1,200 for the last 15 years of her service.

“Many of her colleagues have been similarly struggling to make ends meet with the low wages for many years.

“According to the media report on the issue, some workers were made to work in four locations in a single day while the annual leave given to the workers did not commensurate with their years of service,” said Koh.

He deemed a review of current policies to be necessary to avoid the contract system from being abused.

“The Human Resource Ministry should step in and act to ensure the welfare of these contract workers are taken care of and they are protected against any form of exploitation.

“It should also be ensured that the contract system is not being abused. The hiring policies, whether for permanent positions or by contract through a company, must be fair and transparent.

“Earning a monthly salary of RM1,200 for 15 years is totally unacceptable. How can a person be motivated to progress or grow in any organisation if there is no increase in their wages for that long?” said Koh, calling on the minister to intervene on the matter.

He added that it was time to show more respect to those who keep the country’s healthcare facilities clean.

“Cleaners are also frontliners and play a key role in the prevention and control of infectious diseases," said the MMA president today.

This comes after a motorcycle convoy from the National Union of Workers in Hospital Support and Allied Services (NUWHSAS) began its journey to Putrajaya from Penang on Feb 5.

On their journey, they visited about 20 hospitals including Hospital Bukit Mertajam, Hospital Seberang Jaya, and Hospital Tapah.

Their last stop was at Hospital Putrajaya before heading to the Health Ministry.

At the Health Ministry building in Putrajaya, the six-motorcycle convoy of mainly female workers from the NUWHSAS was met by Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin.

The group's demands include abolishing the contract worker system, providing Covid-19 allowances to all government hospital staff, and halting intimidation of members involved in worker unions.

In their statement today, the MMA had lauded the health minister for his pledge to find a comprehensive solution to the issues faced by healthcare contract workers.

"Although these workers are employed on contract under the health ministry, it is hoped that the human resource ministry will use its powers to correct the policies that have led to these issues - many of which are human resources issues affecting the welfare of these workers,” said Koh. - Mkini

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