
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, May 15, 2022

Indonesia (60% of world production) Bans Export of Palm Oil, India (2nd largest global producer) Bans Export of Wheat, Chicken Supply Threatened, Durian Prices To Go Up 100%

 1. Chicken News

Just yesterday there was news of Malaysia's chicken suppliers suffering losses, selling their businesses or closing shop. Because the price of chicken feed has sky rocketed.

Egg & Chicken production affected by high prices of corn, soybean for poultry feed .  Two listed companies selling their poultry businesses.

Adding to the pressure are price control over chicken and eggs.
Lay H..g suffered loss of RM23 million for 9 months in 2021.
Listed poultry companies include LHI, LTKM, LHB, QL, TSC, CCK  
Their shares prices have taken a beating, badly affected.

What will happen to country if poultry businesses fold?
It will be more serious and the people will suffer even more.
Clueless government cannot manage the high inflation
Screw up every sector of businesses

Tuan-Tuan, syarikat pengeluar daging ayam dan telur ayam sedang tenat. Harga makanan ayam di pasaran dunia melambung naik. Harga jualan daging ayam pula di kawal Kerajaan (price control). Jadi syarikat pengeluar ayam dan telur makin rugi dan sudah mula menjual atau tutup bisnes ayam mereka.  Saya sudah kasi warning ok. Dont say I did not tell you.

Percayalah dalam sedikit masa lagi bekalan ayam dan telur akan terjejas. 


2. Then Indonesia has banned all exports of palm oil. Indonesia produces 60% of the global supply.


  • April 28, 2022, Indonesia complete ban on palm oil exports
  • threaten global food prices, extra pressure on already steep cooking oil prices 
  • Indonesia gripes with domestic cooking oil shortages triggering protests 
  • Palm oil is the most consumed and traded edible oil in the world. 
  • 77 million tons produced this year – with Indonesia 60% global share. 
  • Malaysia second with 25%  share
3. Now India has banned all exports of wheat. India is the world's 2nd largest producer. Wheat prices had already increased 40% this year. It will go up some more.

  • India world’s 2nd largest producer of wheat, banned all exports immediately
  • rise in global wheat prices threat to Indian food security 
  • to control rising domestic prices. 
  • Global wheat prices increased more than 40% in 2022
  • India’s wheat harvest suffered heatwave - stunting production
  • planned to export 10m tonnes of wheat in 2022-23
  • to Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand


4. Not to be left out our durian prices are expected to increase by 100% this year

  • premium varieties Musang King, Black Thorn, 100% price increase this year
  • Deputy Agri Minister said 50% drop in durian production

The Deputy Agri Minister says there is a 50% drop in durian production because of weather conditions.

In Pahang they have found a very clever method of increasing durian production. Here it is :

So last year around July (2021) they cut down 15,000 durian trees (mostly Musang King) around Raub in Pahang.

So the potential yield of durians from 15,000 durian trees have been destroyed. 

Why not cut down ALL the durian trees in Pahang? Then maybe the prices of durians will increase by another 400% ??

Akhirul kalam, lets go back to the kaum bodoh. How are you going to tackle the global increases in cooking oil prices, global wheat price increases, global food price rises, our chicken producers suffering losses, our durian prices going up etc? 

Garu teloq is one option that you can try but it does not really solve the problem. 

Chin Peng has died already. Its too late to blame Chin Peng. Those DAP fellows are still around. Hmm...

Eating kangkung is an option. 

But even kangkung belacan is RM14-18 for a medium plate at the sea food restaurant. Punyalah mahal!

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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