
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, December 26, 2022

As axing looms, Sng presents Zuraida rebels a second choice - quit politics


The time for former Ampang MP Zuraida Kamaruddin and her allies in Parti Bangsa Malaysia (PBM) is almost up with automatic expulsion at midnight, should they fail to respond to a show cause letter sent last week.

Embattled PBM president Larry Sng, however, is offering them a more dignified exit, amid calls for him to cede power to Zuraida.

“Perhaps they should take a back seat or call it a day in politics.

“Their voters have already rejected them, which is why they lost their deposits in the 15th general election. No one is interested in their opinions anymore.” Sng was quoted as saying by The Vibes today.

He also said they should do some "soul-searching".

During PBM's AGM in early October, it was decided that Zuraida - who was the party's "president-designate" - to officially take over the leadership from Sng.

The move was then approved by a supreme council meeting.

However, Sng threw a wrench in the transition, saying he was still the party president as per the Registrar of Societies.

He then declared the supreme council meeting which approved the Zuraida transition invalid and suspended his would-be successor and 12 others.

Sng wins in GE15

In GE15, Sng as the PBM candidate won while Zuraida and party deputy president Haniza Talha, who is allied to the latter, lost their deposits.

PBM deputy president Haniza Talha

The tussle resurfaced over the weekend with Zuraida and Haniza accusing Sng of abusing his authority.

A show-cause letter had apparently been sent to the party rebels last week, which they must reply by today. Otherwise, they would automatically lose their membership.

“The party disciplinary committee is very fair and has given those (who were) suspended ample room to express their views and to clarify their position," Sng said.

“On Dec 17, two of those suspended supreme council members had their suspension lifted after meeting the disciplinary committee.

“What is important for me is that party processes have to be done in accordance with the party constitution,” he added. - Mkini

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