
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, December 17, 2022

Canteen operators see tough times with ‘too many holidays’ ahead


A moratorium on rent was provided to some 10,000 canteen operators until the end of this year. (Bernama pic)

PETALING JAYA: School canteen operators have urged the government to extend a moratorium on rent as there are too many school holidays in the first half of 2023.

Coupled with the fasting month in March and the Aidilfitri break in April, they said they could only keep their canteens open for a total of 35 days during the first four months.

Malaysian School Canteen Operators Association chief Khairuddin Hamzah said schools would be in session for 16 days in January to give way for the Chinese New Year holidays and 12 days in February while most of March would be the fasting month.

There would be only five days of school in April for Aidilfitri, he said, quoting an education ministry circular.

In addition, the months of May and June would see only 16 and 17 days of school respectively, after taking into account weekends and semester breaks.

“Under these circumstances, we are worried that many would be forced to close shop for good. A moratorium will help reduce our burden and ensure that we continue to serve students well,” he said.

A total of 10,000 canteen operators were provided a moratorium on rent until the end of this year because of Covid-19 pandemic restrictions and lockdowns. - FMT

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