
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, December 16, 2022

MPs voting against govt motions will lose seats under cooperation pact


MPs in the unity government who fail to vote or support the prime minister in motions relating to confidence votes, supply bills or procedural motions with effect on the federal government’s stability will be deemed to have resigned.

This is stipulated in Article 4 under the title Confidence Motion and Supply Bill of the Cooperation Agreement Among Coalitions in the Unity Government which was signed today.

"Every party must ensure that all their MPs must vote according to clause 4(a) above.

"Failure, refusal or negligence to do so must be considered as a breach of the individual MP’s responsibility to the party, and is deemed as a resignation and/or termination of being an MP,” the agreement states.

As such, the MP’s seat will be vacated in accordance with Article 49A(1) of the Federal Constitution, and the MP’s party must notify the Dewan Rakyat speaker of the vacancy, for notice to be given to the Election Commission to hold a by-election.

Pakatan Harapan, BN, GPS, GRS and Warisan today signed an agreement in Putrajaya to seal their cooperation in the unity government.

Consultative council

Under Article 5 of the agreement, a consultative council with representatives recommended by the five parties will be created to ensure that all terms agreed upon will be carefully implemented so that the government can function effectively in a stable environment, without affecting the policies and orientation of the signatory parties.

"Any disagreements or misunderstandings must be resolved harmoniously within the council,” the agreement said.

The agreement also states that the parties agreed to uphold the truth, pledging full loyalty to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong as the head of state and to uphold, protect and defend the Federal Constitution.

The parties declared their commitment to the government’s objectives, including creating a just society and a democratic country that is progressive, inclusive and united based on the Malaysian mould and guided by the principles of the Rukun Negara.

They pledged to defend the constitutional monarchy system, strengthen parliamentary democracy, champion the rights and power of the people and work to consolidate the country’s political system in accordance with the wishes and interests of the people.

The parties agreed to ensure that Islam remains the religion of the Federation while ensuring the rights of non-Muslims to practise their religions or beliefs continue to be guaranteed as enshrined in Article 3(1) of the Federal Constitution.

The pact also highlights the parties’ agreement in upholding Malay as the national and official language, while maintaining the people’s right to use, learn and gain an education in other languages as enshrined in Article 152 (subject to Article 161) of the Federal Constitution.

Other objectives contained in the agreement include upholding the supremacy and rule of law, the independence of the judiciary and public institutions, and the effectiveness and professionalism of security forces.

The agreement spells out the need to strengthen the principle of separation of powers between the executive, legislative and judicial branches so that the federal government system has strong checks and balances to prevent the centralisation of power and abuse.

They also agreed on the guarantee of freedom of thought, speech, movement, assembly and association for all within the framework of the Federal Constitution in the Malaysian mould, towards forming a pluralistic society that prioritises human dignity and the values of universal brotherhood among all.

- Bernama

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