
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, December 12, 2010

Pakatan to focus on coalition building, unity ahead of snap polls

Hadi, Anwar, Kit Siang
Wong Choon Mei, Malaysia Chronicle

With an eye on possible snap general elections, Pakatan Rakyat will focus on coalition building, unity and strengthening its Common Policy Framework when it holds its much-watched convention next weekend in Penang.

The coalition's top leaders said they will not be diverted by "smaller issues" such as a common logo, especially when the BN-friendly Registrar of Societies was not likely to approve their application for formal registration as a bloc.

"We must follow the beat of our own drum. Why should we allow ourselves to be roiled by the Umno-BN who have no interest but to see us split and fighting amongst ourselves," Opposition Leader and Pakatan de-facto head Anwar Ibrahim told reporters.

He was speaking at a joint press conference after chairing a leadership council meeting that included PAS president Hadi Awang and DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang.

Speculation had been rife that Pakatan would put topmost on the convention's agenda its preparations for the next general election. Nonetheless, DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang said the nuts-and-bolts issues such as seat distribution amongst the three partners would only be discussed after the convention.

"There is time, no hurry. We will look into it after the convention," Kit Siang told reporters.

Will not be distracted by Umno-BN

According to Anwar, education, Islamic matters, joint economic policy were among the main issues that would be discussed and debated at the convention.

Reporters again rushed to ask if the matter of turning Malaysia into an Islamic state would be discussed. This issue has long been used as a bogeyman by the Umno-BN to scare non-Malay voters away from PAS, which aspires to establish hudud law for Muslims in the country.

It has also been used to drive a wedge between PAS and the secular DAP. However, Malaysia's constitution prohibits turning the country into an Islamic state unless the party that wanted it had a two-thirds majority in the 222-seat Parliament.

Pundits have pointed out it would be impossible for PAS to single-handedly achieve its Islamic dream. At the same time, they also questioned why Umno - which has often proclaimed itself the defender of the Muslims - had not turned Malaysia into an Islamic state when it held two-thirds majority in Parliament from 1957 to 2008.

"Umno has twisted the constitution to its advantage. It claims to be the champion of the Malays. Yet who are the ones who have mortgaged Malay land, the nation's land. Who has grabbed power through corrupt means and with the aid of people like APCO (a Zionist-linked communitcatipns firm)," said Anwar.

"Umno attacked us and labelled us as ‘Malay traitors’. We are not given a chance do defend ourselves. Umno manipulates the mainstream media and what ever justifications we give are not even published in media. Tell me, why should we let them dictate our rhythm."

(Additional reporting by Dinesweri Puspanadan, Malaysia Chronicle)

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