
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, July 8, 2011

Aziz Yusof, who's been really insincere?

your say'You know those words you used against Bersih can all be aptly applied to you. Yes, EC's objective and mission have deviated a long time ago.'

Bersih agenda is insincere, says EC

Gerard Samuel Vijayan: The Election Commission should just change their motto to "We are here only to serve Umno/BN" and not the rakyat.

The Agong ought to sack the entire commission since they are mere stooges of the BN regime. They are neither fair nor impartial and the majority of the commission lack integrity and honesty. They are the typical products of the Malay-dominated civil service - there is only one ruler, that is, Umno and we are all their servants.

So what is the point of engaging with an ineffective and compromised institution that seems to be only happy to delegate all of its responsibilities to the attorney-general and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC). If that is the case, we might as well ask the AG and the MACC to conduct elections in this country.

The EC's job is to enforce existing electoral laws without fear or favour - not always siding with the BN and justifying their abuses, corruption, fraud and intimidation. If the EC has any credibility left, it should resign en masse and tell the government that it cannot work under present conditions.

Anonymous: Abdul Aziz Yusof, you talk as if the EC is fair. How come my wife and I, who stay in the same address, voted in different parliamentary and state seats in the 2008 general election when in 2004, we voted in the same parliamentary and state seats?

Onyourtoes: You know those words you used against Bersih can all be aptly applied to you. Yes, the Election Commission's objective and mission have deviated a long time ago from what the founding fathers have envisaged.

Yes, you have become the tool that subverts the independence and neutrality of EC as provided under the federal constitution. You are never sincere in trying to resolve the grievances of the people.

Why only talk big now? Why didn't you negotiate and talk with Bersih before the call for the rally?

Meluat: Aziz, if EC has stayed true to its path tak lah Malaysia jadi macam ni. It's because people like you tak ada amanah and you consort with all the BN penyamun.

The rakyat has every right to demand for a massive clean-up of the electoral system. All the BN leaders dah lupa (forgotten) who put them there in the first place. Of course in BN's case, it was due to massive cheating during elections, vote-buying, etc. If I were you, Aziz, I will step down, adalah maruah sikit (have some dignity).

Kgen: Does the EC stand for Election Commission or Election Cheater? Who is being insincere here? Nobody wants to resolve the matter by street rally if it can be solved by negotiation. It is because Bersih found the door shut in their faces that they have to resort to street rally.

Don't be an Umno bootlicker or your grandchildren will suffer when Malaysia becomes Zimbabwe of the East.

Anonymous_4031: If the EC is not a stooge of BN and Umno, then it should have acceded to the eight Bersih demands. Electoral reforms have been forwarded to the EC long ago.

Indelible ink, for example, was supposed to be used in the last general election, but just a few days before that day, the EC, supported by the then attorney-general and the inspector-general of police, announced that the indelible ink could not be used, because some fellows brought indelible ink from Thailand and might confuse the voters.

After the election, the then home minister, Syed Hamid Albar, shocked the nation by announcing that the so-called sabotage was a lie; there was no such thing.

Indelible ink is a necessity to prevent double or triple voting. To make election clean, we should have the indelible ink. Another sore point is constituency boundaries, which the EC should ensure is based on the one-man, one-vote principle.

Now, who is insincere, EC?

Anonymous_410a: What is this nonsense? The EC is supposed to be responsible for a clean election. Is Aziz saying that just because we have MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission), no one else is responsible for rooting out corruption?

So just because there is DBKL (Kuala Lumpur City Hall), nobody needs to make sure their own homes are clean?

EC waves off 'cloned voters' claim

Joker: The EC is again talking illogically. The fact that the electoral roll has multiple records of a same person but with different IC and/or address meant that the EC has not done its job.

The existence of such duplications means that there is the probability that there will be double/triple votes by the same person. The EC should just own up that it made a mistake and clean up the electoral rolls.

But the EC will simply say it has no power to strike off any names without the person coming forward. The problem is, if it is a duplicate or system error, 'who' can come forward to claim the record was a mistake?

Kgen: The large number of double registrations in the EC rolls means that those voters have the capability to vote twice and some of them will take advantage of it. Don't give us the idiotic challenge of "show me any person who has voted twice". That's a stupid and shallow response. Just clean up your electoral rolls or the public will show you who's really boss, and it's not your Umno masters.

DannyLoHH: The onus is on EC to uphold the integrity of the electoral process, or else the election will be deemed tainted, or worse, rigged.

Given the response of the EC chief, it is clear that he is not forthcoming in regards to all the irregularities reported. Such nonchalant attitudes, doesn't garner any confidence in EC's neutrality and its responsibility of holding a clean, free and fair election.

The more the EC chief and his deputy talks, the more obvious it is that the EC is not neutral, and the electoral process is not clean, free, and fair; giving more legitimacy to the calls of Bersih.

Barang Naik: An error in the system led to 'cloned' voters? How much money have you spend to upgrade your system? How on earth till today this problem has not solved? What are you guys doing there? Politicking? Is that your job? - Malaysiakini

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