
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, July 11, 2011

Bersih - its casualties

This is no laughing matter; kaytee isn’t going to wakakaka in this post, ‘coz someone died, or could be said to have been killed in the Bersih rally yesterday.

Baharuddin Ahmad was a fatal casualty of the police attack on the peaceful rally.

Many others were more fortunate, suffering at most injuries unlike poor Baharuddin.

And PM Najib has been a casualty too, where his credibility, prestige and reputation have now been mortally wounded.

Hishamuddin and his police have been notorious casualties as well - they may not even know it but they're now the most hated people in Malaysia, for their evil brutalities.

What if?

That eternal question, what if?

What if Najib’s offer of a stadium for Bersih to protest, in his very words, “from morning till night” had not been right royally sabo by his cousin and certain ‘forces’ within UMNO; what if Najib had not been presented with only bad choices, rotten fait accompli to make him backpedalled every step on his so-called 1Malaysia, and his promise of accommodation to Bersih, in the use of Stadium Merdeka for the protest against a badly tainted and seriously damaged EC?

What if Hishamuddin had shown a modicum of respect for HM the Agong, acknowledging HM’s meeting with Bersih as indicative of the legitimacy of the NGO instead of disrespectfully and defiantly insisting that the organization headed by a courageous woman whom the King saw fit to grant an audience is illegal?

But alas, Hishamuddin demonstrated that UMNO continues to be the principal and only body in Malaysia in its blatant serial commission of lèse-majesté, lying and betraying the Malays, while in the same breath hypocritically shouting Raja, agama dan bangsa.

The ‘what if’s’ do not absolve Najib from the responsibility of the horrendous outcome where the so-called guardians of the law, the Royal Malaysian police attacked Malaysian citizens, in some case, with brutal glee and vicious delight, where the internationally centuries-old sanctity of a hospital was not even immune to its atrocities - who has heard of police firing tear gas and jets of chemical-laced water into a building housing the sick. Najib was, has been and still is the PM, and the buck stops with him

One man is now dead.

And it didn’t require an outrageously Zahidi-politicized military who was made to threaten Malaysians just prior to the Bersih rally that they would shoot to kill, Perkasa (with Ibrahim Ali meekly/cowardly AWOL) or the legion ofsilat pseudo-warriors to take 'emotional' action – no 1st line of Najib’s defence, no 2nd line, no 3rd line was required to kill; only the inhumanity of a callous police force to deliberately leave Baharuddin Ahmad, who was seriously affected by the tear gas, unattended by proper medical people to resuscitate his breathing problems.

Malaysia as a nation has been a casualty too.

But the biggest casualty, as in any war, and war it had been, has been Truth, ...

... the Truth of a dysfunctional UMNO where its leader was not consistently in charge, upstaged every which way by intra-centrifugal forces; the Truth of a pagar-makan-padi police force, and the Truth of a cheating corrupt non-accountable entity whose crimes were disguised and camouflaged by deliberate distracting diversionary ethocentric threats, false alarms and blatant lies issued daily by the very people who blasphemously claim to be defenders of their agama.

And it infuriates me that in the IGP heading the list of honours in the YDP Negeri of Penang’s birthday awards, the respectability of the YDP Negeri has become another casualty.

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