
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, July 9, 2011

BERSIH UPDATE: Anwar now in KL, to give PC amid fears of arrest

BERSIH UPDATE: Anwar now in KL, to give PC amid fears of arrest

AT 12.45PM Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, PKR president Wan Azizah and DAP Youth chief Anrthony Loke are in the Kuala Lumpur Hilton. Supporters are rushing to arrange an immediate press conference on fears the police will arrest them anytime now.

The leaders, amongst the 91 banned from entering KL, were found out and are trying to negotiate a few minutes to speak to the press before they are hauled up.

"If they are not arrested in the next 5 or 10 minutes, we have have the PC immediately," a PKR official told Malaysia Chronicle.

AT 12.30PM In Sarawak, public disapproval prevented the police from carrying out a threat to arrest all 12 DAP assemblymen who had gathered for breakfast at a coffeeshop in Stutong.

Sentosa ADUN Chong Chieng Jen had received a tip-off last night that if they wore yellow clothing, even without Bersih wordings, they would be arrested as part of the national crackdown on the free and fair elections rally taking place at 2pm in KL. He was told the order came directly from Putrajaya, the administrative capital of the federal government.

Meanwhile, Bersih leaders who have been lying low, are finally in the city centre. According to Batu MP Tian Chua, they will join the gathering. The Bersih committee along with key Pakatan Rakyat leaders were among the 91 people slapped with a restriction order threatening immediate arrest if they entered the city centre today.

Woman of the hour will be Ambiga Sreenevasan, the chairman of the committee, and many hope to personally give her and team a round of applause for the tremendous effort they have contributed to the project.

AT 12.00NN According to DAP's Tony Pua, some people were arrested at Jalan Pasar, Pudu near the Masjid Jamek Alam Shah. PKR assemblymanwoman for Bukit Lanjan warns of a fake Twitter account @BersihRally. "How low can you go," schided Eli.

Meanwhule, the official Bersih website reported police were started to attack the people with rattans in the Sogo area in a desperate bid to break up the clearly-building crowd. It also reported that 200 people had gathered at old KTM Station, and about a dozen were arrested. "Chaotic scene of scuffles between police and people," it said.

"Not only we need electoral reform. Police reform is badly needed and will probably only happen with a change of government," said Bukit Bendera MP Liew Chin Tong.

The 8 electoral reforms sought by Bersih on behalf of Malaysian citizens are: 1. Clean the electoral roll 2. Reform postal ballot 3. Use of indelible ink 4. Minimum 21 days campaign period 5. Free and fair access to media 6. Strengthen public institutions 7. Stop corruption 8. Stop dirty politics

AT 11.45AM Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim has been barred from entering the main business centre in KL but has tweeted he will try to find an alternative route.

In Melbourne, Australia, Bersih supporters are coming out in full force too (pic below). Many plan to wear 'Ambiga' masks to show their appreciation to the Bersih chief, who has held up fairly well despite being given the runaround by the authorities.

At Masjid Negara, the crowd is multiplying and tensions are on the rise as the police try to assert their authority rather than help to maintain order.

The official Malaysian Police Facebook Page states that 236 people have been arrested.

Date: 9 July 2011 Time: 3pm Venue: Malaysian High Commission, 4-1 Hannam-dong, 140-210, Seoul

Date:9 July 2011 Time: 12.00pm Venue: Malaysian Consulate in Canberra, Melbourne and Sydney (simultaneous)

Date: 9 July 2011 Time: 3.00pm Venue: Tower of the Sun, Osaka

Date: 9 July 2011 Time: 10.00am Venue: Consulate General of Malaysia,550 South Hope Street,Suite 400, Los Angeles

Date: 9 July 2011 Time: 9.30am Venue: Chrissy Field Picnic Area, Presidio, San Francisco

Date: 9 July 2011 Time: 10.00am Venue: Consulate General of Malaysia, 313 East 43rd Street, New York

Related Story: Long-overdue Chinese anger erupts: Why they must vote anyone but the BN

AT 11.30 AM The main hotspots - Masjid Negara, Masjid Jamek, Dataran Merdeka, Sogo Complex, Bukit Bintang, KL-Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall - have come to live although Bersih supporters are still very cautious.

None want to give the police the chance to nab them and prevent them from joining the rally this afternoon. This seems to be the mood prevalent amongst the supporters, many of whom must have gone with little or no sleep at all making their way to the city-centre the night before to beat the police lockdown.

"We came all the way to join the rally, so we are not going to risk getting arrested now. Even buying a drink, I will think carefully. I got all my stuff in my knapsack," said Lee, who came to KL on Wednesday and has been staying with his sister in Cheras. He is part of a group from Malacca.

At Masjid Negara, more than 1,000 people have gathered outnumbering by at least two-to-one the personnel deployed to that area. The atmosphere is not tense but supporters are watchful and wary of the police.

In Sogo, which has declared business as usual, shoppers have not been deterred by the warnings of curfew front-paged in the UMNO newspapers especially the notorios Utusan. The human traffic - lesser than usual - looks normal with no one displaying fright or looking behind their shoulders. Usually rally supporters who gather there do no mingle with the shoppers but have their assembly points in the nearby carparks.

SMS messages warning of massive Chinese killings if they took part in the Rally have also been widely circulated.

Bukit Bintang, where UMNO Youth is slated to gather, is already bustling. No large crowds of 'Patriot' supporters spotted yet although a few wearing the round-necked red tee were seen.

Masjid Jamek, the historical river confluence where early KL was built, is busy. The LRT stop point is full of passer-bys and human traffic is normal.

Police have issued their latest arrests buletin. As at 9am, police spokesman ACP Ramli Mohamed Yoosuf confirmed 21 people have been detained. However, the unofficial figure from the police HQ is more than 100 so far.

AT 10.30 AM In downtown Kuala Lumpur, where a major standoff is due this afternoon between the police and a citizens' movement for free and elections, a queit calm still reigns. Traffic, unusually low for a Saturday morning, is smooth and the city trains are still running.

The overall mood is one of anticipation rather than dread. Yes, the sentiment is positive rather than negative. Both sides know that come what may, something unstoppable will happen this afternoon, when supporters of the Bersih rally start to show themselves and try their best to march to Stadium Merdeka.

For now, they are all lying low after the police scoured all nooks and crannies of the cities last night, even knocking at hotel room doors in a bid to catch those unalert enough to keep Bersih items - leaflets and T-shirts - by their side.

As for the police, many of the Light Strike force and constables are also waiting. By contrast, their presence is sharply visible and intended to be so. Water cannons, tear gas canisters, Black Marias and so forth are proudly in full sight to deter Malaysians from joining the 2pm rally at the Stadim Merdeka.

So far, the Internet and mobile phone networks are working although when the Malaysian police get their orders to swing their batons, communications may still be blacked out.

At this point in time, most supporters think the worst is behind them. They believe the police are satisfied they have managed to cap the potential crowd size and are less panicky than before. It does appear the authorities may have come to accept the inevitable - that the Bersih marchers will march come what may and Malaysians will support them. So long as the crowd is not too embarrassingly large, they may hold in check the worst of the brutality expected from them.

"All the roadblocks, threats, arrests etc unwittingly build a sense of camaraderie in adversity for those who are involved," DAP MP for Bukit Bendera Liew Chin Tong said on Twitter.

UMNO and agent provocateurs

The unknown factors are UMNO Youth and agent provacateurs out to destroy the image of the Bersih rally by sparking unnecessary violence and scuffles. But Pakatan Rakyat leaders, who have promised to support the rally, say that as long as genuine supporters stay focused and ignore the taunts, any violence will be small-scale and sporadic.

They also point out that the Emergency Rule and curfew that Prime Minister Najib Razak has threatened will happen with or without Bersih. The police cannot declare Emergency on their own. They have to advise the PM, who in turn will advise the King. And the final decision will be made by the King although it is highly unlikely for the Ruler to disagree.

"The point if the BN wants to use force to cling to power, they will do so sooner or later. This is why Bersih is so important. The people must show what they want or what they don't want. Otherwise, the BN will continue to take the citizens for granted," PKR vice president Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.

Also today at different world times, Malaysian disapora will show their solidarity for Bersih. Even from East Malaysia, Sarawakians have flown down to the federal capital to show that they are proud to be part of a real and united nation.

"We felt that this was a most important function and Sarawakians must be represented. More than other states, we have suffered the backlash of dirty politics. The recent state elections results is proof. Back home in Kuching, our colleagues from DAP will champion the cause of democracy but here in the peninsula, where we have a lot of Sarawakians working and living, we don't want them to be alone," Sarawak PKR chief Baru Bian told Malaysia Chronicle.

Switch on car lights to show support

Meanwhile, PKR leaders have urged all citizens who support free and fair elections to switch on their car headlights the whole day today.

"There are many ways to show support and for those unable to come to KL, whether they are in KK, Kuching, Labis, Kuala Pilah or whichever part of Malaysia, this is one way," Vernon Kedit, another leader from PKR Sarawak told Malaysia Chronicle.

Number of arrests so far since last night - at least 10 but many have been released

"If police stops you and and checks bag, just relax and mentally note down name of the officers, details. Don't fight or scold and if they arrest you, just SMS or Twiiter your details," said PKR director for legal affairs Latheefa Koya.

The Bar Council has set up an Urgent Arrest Team, and will be on standby to help those detained. A separate Monitoring Team will also be watching out for human rights violations.

The numbers to call are Stephanie at 016-343 5202, Leena at 012-284 1895, Jeeva at 019-635 3151 and Ravin at 019-325 5825.



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