
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, July 10, 2011

From Rising Tiger to Banana Republic: Najib needs to re-think

From Rising Tiger to Banana Republic: Najib needs to re-think

The world must respond. The Prime Minister of Malaysia has failed his populace. Why and how?

A leader who pilots a nation cannot be seen to be a champion of his own political camp. He or she must be and also be seen to be, one who can embrace all factions and provide compassion and understanding in upholding democracy. That is what makes ‘prime’ minister material in a democratic environment.

Cruel as it is, the prime minister of Malaysia has proven himself to be a man who will brutalize half his populace in order to keep the other half to protect and secure his position, power and control. This is the outcome witnessed in the Bersih 2.0 citizens’ rally for a free, fair and clean electoral system this July 9, 2011.

A nation’s leader who is prepared to unleash the brutal force of the police on his own citizens, who came with zero defenses, is not a leader by today’s standards. He is a tyrant. One who will take any extreme measures and has no qualms in seeing ordinary, unarmed citizens being hammered away by ballistic missiles of water cannons laced with stinging chemicals, blinding, stinging tear gas and brute manhandling by battle-geared police battalions.

Operating from a draconic mantra of the end justifies the malevolent means such leaders who are willing to gamble with the conscience of their own citizens cannot be condoned and garlanded by the global community of world leaders.

It is a disgrace that Malaysia that was once recognized as a promising ‘rising tiger’ in Asia and showered with accolades most recently by the United States of America as a ‘model nation’ (Hilary Clinton), has taken the route of tyranny, brutality and absolute disregard for basic human decency.

Using the police force to bulldoze, brutalize and intimidate defenseless citizens walking peacefully and singing their National Anthem to demonstrate their demand for clean governance is worse than a war crime. And for this the global community of sane and pristine leaders must commit Malaysia to trial.

BN will go to extremes to stay in power

The Bersih 2.0 rally has demonstrated in no uncertain terms that the Malaysian present government is a Police State that is masquerading as a democratic country. It has confirmed beyond any iota of doubt that the ruling political party has, is and will not stop going to any extremes of oppression to remain in power. This must be condemned by the civilized, democratic world leaders.

To the hundreds of thousands of Malaysians from all walks of social strata and multifarious culture and creed who had thronged the streets despite being denied and cheated of their basic right to a peaceful assembly to appeal for democracy and civil liberties and clean governance – to these tens of thousands of men and women, you deserve a salute from all true democrats of the world.

You have in no uncertain terms shown to the world that we need no bullets and mortar to stand up and fight for true democracy.

What we need and what you men and women of Malaysia had with you was a principle centered conviction, faith and hope for human dignity and right of life in an environment that is devoid of tyranny. And for that the world community of leaders who profess, trumpet and proclaim true democracy and civil liberties must respond with urgency.

World leaders cannot take a back seat or what we would locally refer to as ‘tidak apa’ attitude, and continue to roll red carpets for such tyrants as now being witnessed in Malaysia. It is not enough to leave such matters in the hands of NGOs.

Democratic country leaders, global movers and shakers, globally celebrated thinkers – all democratic society must make a stand and make that stand known and felt.

Then, we would have done justice to God and His creation – the very humanity that we hold sacred and close to our compassionate dream of true democracy as we soldier on in this new age civilization without borders.

- J. D. Lovrenciear is a reader and contributor to Malaysia Chronicle

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