
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, July 15, 2011

Hisham extends crackdown: After the Chinese press, online media is next

Hisham extends crackdown: After the Chinese press, online media is next

After the tear gas and water canons attack on thousands of peaceful Malaysians at the Bersih 2.0 rally in Kuala Lumpur, the Home Ministry has now targeted the Chinese press in an attempt to cover-up the humiliating episode.

Top editors of three Chinese newspapers were called to the Home Ministry to explain reports that allegedly favoured the Bersih 2.0 rally organisers. A source who made the claim also said that show-cause letters will soon follow.

After the ugly Bersih crackdown blew up in the face of the government, steps are being taken to water down the highly publicized criticism generated in the domestic and international media.

We like to think that a modern nation like Malaysia would adhere strictly to press freedom, but apparently that too has been hijacked.

Journalists, columnists and reporters are at a loss, whether to abide by the code of ethics to report the naked truth, backed up by hard facts or give in to pressure to bend the truth.

The pro-government media has to abide by strict government guidelines in their reports, thoroughly vetted by their editors not so much for accuracy but more in compliance to government’s guidelines.

Editors at these organizations are frightened stiff at the horror of offending the 'powers that be' in the dissemination of unbiased information. Even the slightest hint of opposition is downplayed to please their political masters.

The suppression of accurate news reports does not bode well for a functional democracy, with the mainstream media or MSM seen as nothing more than a government propaganda machine.

On the other side

The Opposition Media, on the other hand are not forced to abide by any such guidelines, and enjoy the freedom to formulate viewpoints in their reporting without any undue pressure. Malaysians have begun to notice the biasness and shallowness in the MSM reports and many have turned to the Opposition Media to seek the 'truth' as the other side sees it.

The general sentiment of the rakyat or people is that the government has something to hide. The mainstream media continues to forcefully dispense government propaganda to create a mental perception sympathetic to the cause of the ruling coalition. In their bid to project a pro-government stance, they fail to provide supportive facts that are credible.

There is a tendency to shower praise on government policies while stirring up controversies to point the blame at the Opposition. Feeble attempts are made to convey the messages from the 'enemy' side.

It is understood the newspapers summoned by the Home Ministry over the latest fisaco were Sin Chew Daily, Nanyang Siang Pau and China Press.

It is regrettable that the BN government does not abide by strict guidelines in the implementation of its own affirmative policies. Therefore, it has to hide the constant blowback caused by such blundering decisions, while the MSM is used to downplay the seriousness of their actions.

The online media next

Information Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim has expressed satisfaction over the local media coverage of last Saturday's illegal gathering. However, he said he was worried that some news reports, which he described as contradictory, were being circulated by the cyber-media.

It won’t be long now before they turn their attention on the cyber-media. The online press is already taking over the role of the MSM in reporting the truth without fear or favour.

The MSM is restricted by the Home Ministry through the Printing Presses and Publications Act (PPPA), which requires all publications to apply for licenses that have to be renewed annually. News reports that fall outside the ministry's tolerance level are threatened with a revocation of their permits.

The Prime Minister’s Office on the 17th of June issued a media guideline instructing them to demonise Bersih 2.0 as an illegal assembly and to highlight stories of traders, tourism, and taxi drivers being affected. The MSM was also encouraged to question Bersih’s funding, discredit Anwar, Ambiga, Mohamad Sabu and to and use file photos of Ambiga with PR leaders to highlight their close association. All this is part of the BN’s constant propaganda to incite fear among the people.

The Home Ministry’s attempt to convert the Chinese press will only lead to more scorn by the people. It will affect the readership of these papers and many will turn to the Opposition media to seek information.

Meanwhile, Seputih MP Teresa Kok has urged the Home Ministry to stop its dirty, bullying tactics against the Chinese newspapers and quit making them a scapegoat for what is ultimately the BN Government’s own fault and failing.

- Malaysia Chronicle

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