
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Instead of yapping away, Najib and Soi Lek should take tuition from Bersih

Instead of yapping away, Najib and Soi Lek should take tuition from Bersih

In the weeks leading up to Bersih and in its aftermath, we have been hearing some of the most funny statements uttered by those in power. And most of these statements are mere comments akin to a one-up-on-the-opponent kind.

Bersih placed a figure of 50,000 at the rally that saw the worst display of police brutality in the country’s history against peaceful marchers. And this figure is not one that can be skewed owing to the numerous photos and video evidence uploaded and made available by the marchers themselves.

So it is quite a mystery how the police can place the number at 5,000 - 6,000. The police must have been blinded by the smoke-screen from all the tear-gas they fired onto the marchers.

And it has been a numbers game since. Commenters from both sides have placed their own number to the gathering.

MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek first laughed away the figure of 50,000, insisting the actual number was far less, but then seem to do an about-turn later on when he said that it was “no big deal”. Soi Lek even created hysteria of a sort within the Chinese community by claiming his party could muster the same support anytime.

“To gather 10,000 or 20,000 people to demonstrate is nothing great. MCA can organise 50,000 if you want me to do it, anytime,” Soi Lek told a press conference just days after the July 9 Bersih rally.

Intelligence test

Without realizing it, Soi Lek acknowledged the figure was really higher and dealt another blow to his already near-at-zero credibility

Not wanting to be outdone by the scandal-tainted Soi Lek, Najib who has an even more dubious past too jumped onto the numbers game.

Najib Razak warned that if UMNO, which boasts more than three million members, were to respond to the protests with its own rally, chaos would ensue.

“What happens if we organize a three million demonstration? Malaysia will be plunged into a lot of uncertainty, and I don’t want that to happen,” the PM said.

So in this very one statement, Najib single-handedly stripped away from Malaysians the right to peaceful assembly. He has also insulted his own party. He is telling the world that UMNO 'minions' are a rowdy bunch that even elite leaders like himself are unable to control them. Even the Malaysian police would be unable to control such 'hooligans'. That is what the UMNO president is implying of his party!

Certainly, it is a draw when it comes to who is more intelligent - Soi Lek or Najib?

A better Malaysia

All the talk by the presidents of MCA and UMNO sound impressive. In the olden days, word of a massive army would definitely scare people into submission. This is the reason for such talk by Najib and Chua.

Their dropping of numbers are designed to intimidate and scare their opponents. But foolishly, they chose from the arsenal double-edged swords.

Bersih is not a political party and it does not have a membership list anywhere as impressive as MCA or UMNO. Yet, on July 9, people turned up out of no-where to join in a cause they believed in.

This is the difference between the millions of UMNO and MCA 'members'. Bersih followers believe in a common cause and this gives them strength more than any party president can. This is why they can brave the police warnings and city lockdown to turn up smack on time. And this is why at 4pm sharp, they disperse as per their time table. Self-discipline is indeed the best discipline, just as self-motivation beats any other carrot.

Bersih’s cause will always be greater than anything UMNO or its BN components can ever dream of. It is the heart-cry of everyday Malaysians. It was never about the body-count, but rather, Bersih is about how many people and how strongly they believe in a better Malaysia.

- Malaysia Chronicle

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