
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Khairy to NSC: Explain terror claims against Asri

Umno youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar has urged the National Security Council (NSC) to address allegations that independent religious scholar Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin and several other religious figures are linked to terrorism and the puritan sect Wahabism.

Several news reports yesterday quoted sources claiming the NSC was briefed on the alleged dangers that, Asri - who served a short stint as mufti of Perlis - and a number of other ulama pose risks to the nation's security.

NONEDuring the closed-door briefing to the NSC yesterday morning, sources said it was also alleged that Asri and the other religious figures were backed by the Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain governments.

"If it is true, (NSC should) give Asri and any (other) religious leader who has been listed as an advocate of Wahabism or (with links to) terrorists to come forward and explain the issue raised," he said in a statement.

Strikingly, a number of young 'Umno ulama' were said to have alleged to be on a 'watch list' of possible terror suspects.

Khairy said he was surprised by the reports, and asked that such information be thoroughly scrutinised before deliberations are made.

"It would be very unreasonable if the relevant authority passes any resolution or punishment recklessly without checking, and (without) giving the opportunity to Asri and those who have been listed as Wahabism advocates or terrorists to defend and explain themselves," he said.

NONEKhairy said that from his observations of and interactions with Asri, he found the Universiti Sains Malaysia lecturer to be open, moderate and progressive in his approach towards matters concerning the development of the Muslim community and the spread of Islam.

"I do not see any action or subversiveness on the part of Asri which warrant him being labelled as terrorist," he added.

'Nothing to do with religion'

Khairy stressed that any reckless labelling or punishment without close examination of the claims and without according the opportunity to respond is unacceptable, particularly when they concern allegations surrounding terrorism.

NONEOn the opposite of the spectrum but voicing the same concerns, PKR's director of communications Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad (right) described what is happening to Asri as a case of "political manipulation of religion".

"(Asri) is made the black sheep because he has been very vocal about his views, and is seen to be independent...and some people are not happy with that.

"It is rooted in politics... (It's) never about religion. It's the same trend, (like the persecution of) Bersih (2.), for example. The government is not moving forward," he told a press conference at the party headquarters today, in reference to the coalition pushing for clean and fair elections.

While he admits to disagree with much of Asri's views, Nik Nazmi said that if it was truly about religion, then the Islamic tradition has been to debate and dialogue instead of proscribing dissent.

- Additional reporting by Aidila Razak - Malaysiakini

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