
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Most Disconcerting Scenario

Life is very complicated without politicians giving conflicting views of the same topic at different times. With such developments, it is easy for people to feel even more anger and frustration instead of patience with those who are supposedly elected to office.

According to this report HERE, : MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek came out in defence of the police firing tear gas into the compound of Tung Shin Hospital by saying pictures can be deceiving and it is difficult to determine what exactly transpired at the hospital on Saturday.

“A picture may not convey the total story, depending on the angle the picture is shot,” he said.

In Malaysiakini, he said, “If they want to make you look bad, they can,” said the party chief.

How ironical! He should know because he lost his position as Minister of Health and MCA VP 3.5 years ago because of a video scandal.

According to Wikipedia HERE:

On January 1, 2008, Chua admitted that he was the person featured in a sensational sex DVD that was widely being circulated in Johor. The two DVDs were distributed anonymously in Muar and other towns in Johor show Dr Chua having sex with a young woman, described by him as a "personal friend." The DVDs are believed to be wireless hidden camera recordings in a hotel suite.
He claimed no involvement in the filming or production of the DVD in question.[4] On January 2, 2008, he formally announced his resignation from all posts including Member of Parliament for Labis, vice presidency of MCA, and Minister of Health at a press conference.
Yet, when the sex videos surfaced, a certain MP was accused of being the man in the video recording. Looks like some people will accept or reject the authenticity of a video recording based on their personal slants in the issue.

What is MORE disconcerting would be CONTRASTING reports on same issue by the same MSM.

According to THIS REPORT Hospital staff witnessed teargas attack, despite police denials (last updated on 11 July 2011 - 12:36pm):

Several staff said that they had experienced the effects of teargas.

A crowd, numbering about 1,000, came running into the hospital’s compound to seek refuge from teargas canisters fired by Federal Reserve Units (FRU) parked along Jalan Pudu.

“Police had already blocked the path which led to the hospital’s main entrance so the crowd came from a side lane.

“Some also went to the Chinese Maternity Hospital building next door,” said the hospital’s ambulance driver.

The driver said he saw two shots aimed at the Tung Shin Hospital’s main entrance and its outpatient unit, while another was fired at the maternity hospital.

A security guard at the hospital also claimed to have seen teargas being shot into the compound.

“When the crowd started gathering, the hospital management decided to disable the automatic doors, to prevent teargas from coming inside the waiting area.

“However, a large number of protesters needed water to wash their faces, so we had to let them in and allow them to use our toilets,” he said.

At a press conference this afternoon, Tung Shin Hospital administrator Ng Hong admitted that the hospital had been caught in the middle during the demonstrations.

“Tung Shin was caught in the middle and was a victim of circumstances. Those in the compound were orderly, nothing was damaged and they also left peacefully,” said Ng.

He also said the hospital did not suffer any damage in the incident.

The press conference was also attended by DAP leaders, including secretary-general Lim Guan Eng and party adviser Lim Kit Siang.
However, in the SAME MSM, it was reported at 8.44pm 11th July and updated on 12th July at 8.11am HERE in the article Tung Shin denies tear gas fired in its direction that:

The Tung Shin Hospital management has denied allegations in a news portal the police fired tear gas canisters and water cannons in the direction of the hospital during last Saturday's Bersih rally.
Hospital board of directors chairman Ng Beh Tong said today, no tear gas canister was found in the compound. Neither did the police fire water canons in the direction of the hospital.
However, he said, the police brought several rally supporters who sustained minor injuries, for treatment at the hospital.
He said the police did not detain any supporter who ran into the hospital.
Ng was speaking to reporters here today, after briefing Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai and Deputy Home Minister Datuk Lee Chee Leong on the contents of the news portal when the latter visited the hospital.
Meanwhile, Liow said that during the rally, the police had only released tear gas to disperse illegal assembly supporters who had gathered in Jalan Pudu in front of the hospital.
"I have been briefed by the hospital authorities that the police neither fired water cannons nor release tear gas in the direction of the hospital.
"Maybe, the tear gas used to disperse the crowd might have wafted into the vicinity of the hospital," he said.
Such conflicting reports/statements are most disconcerting. We see how political leaders react differently towards video recordings and how statements from the same organization can contradict each other depending on who is present with them.

In another Malaysiakini report:

Even with Health Minister Liow Tiong Lai vehemently denying that the police had fired tear gas and chemical-laced water into Tung Shin Hospital during last Saturday's rally, the Bar Council monitoring team is backing the many witness accounts that this did happen.
Presenting the observation report compiled from some 100 observers deployed during the rally, Bar Council president Lim Chee Wee said police had used indiscriminate and excessive tear gas and water cannons against peaceful protesters.
Read Tony Pua's letter HERE.

So, tell us clearly - why are the authorities ignoring the clear and irrefutable evidence that tells us the truth? Why are they singing a different tune from the evidence?

Does the truth hurt that much to you? What about the rakyat? How do you think we feel?
Does it not prick your conscience at all? Or is it that you have none?

A Most Disconcerting Scenario!


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