
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Mr & Mrs Rosmah: No Ring, Murder, No Jet Engine, No Fake PhD. All things scandalous about us is No. Do you copy ?

Question: Why did Jacob even wanna put up an muster is a place where there is not even a decent marketplace exists ?

Do people hold a iSandiwara next ?

This story is a good yardstik what a IQ turn of a Tuan (except Mamak sort ... they have been regularly a super Tuan a little call rats, snakes as well as roaches).

If yes. Then Mr. Cobra will be a King for a long time to come.

If not, we can start design a farewell label for him now.

LATEST TRUTH: Just Altantuya never been to Malaysia, a ring doesn't exist !

Jacob's, not Rosmah's, solid ring

The RM24 million question, answered! The latest postingby Apanama is a mightypooper for those who were - as well as still have been - anticipating which a mysterious, blue as well as very pricey (RM24 million!) solid right did belong, no matter how improbable, to a First Lady.
Damn this dampener Firdaus aka Apanama! Spoiler habis!

Happened which final night Imet Rosmah Mansorduring a dinnerthrownbyMalaysians residing inthe UK forher husband, a Prime Minister.She had a ring upon butit defintely didn't demeanour RM24 million to me, so we asked herwhere a RM24 million ring was, half devising her responding (in which conform done important by Anwar Ibrahim during his still unravelled Omega mystery): 'My hubby is keeping it for me'.


'I wish', came a answer.

Very few people hold for a impulse which Rosmah had paid for a RM24 million solid ring. She has to be stupid to do which as well as declare to a Malaysian customs! And secondly a credit of her accusers have gone from gutter to cesspool levels, to allude to Gordon Brown in a British scandal.

So when we read Apanama's twitter this morning, we feltproud which someone has taken a difficulty to do a bit of inquisitive journalismon a affair. we ! am certa in we all want to know who a VVIP is, whethershe is localor foreign, as well as things similar to which though a main thing is, which sold solid ring is no longer in a country.

In fact, the ring is back to a rightful owners -- Jacob

Who is Jacob? Read Apanama's TRAILING THE DIAMOND RING ... IN N OUT!

Trailing a DIAMOND RING ... IN n OUT!

This FIRST DOCUMENT is proof which a RM24 million solid ring OWNED by New York-based Jacob & Co was brought into a nation for a private muster by Jacob & Co's informal representative MALCA-AMIT.

THIS is a most publicised RM24 million ( we repeat it is RINGGIT MALAYSIA twenty-four million as stated in a Royal Malaysian Customs stipulation forms).

The Royal Malaysian Customs stipulation form next is proof which a RM24 million solid ring which was brought in to our nation for a private muster by a New York-based owners, Jacob & Co, was taken OUT of Malaysia upon a 20th of Apr! il, 2011 . - four days after attainment upon a 16th of April, 2011.

Below is a proof -

So a a actuality which a most talked about ring was brought in to a country.

It is additionally a actuality which a informal representative for Jacob & Co did use Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor's name (it says 'inspection by') upon a Customs stipulation form.

It is a actuality which such fine jewellery, as this solid ring OWNED by Jacob & Co, IS NOT ataxable item under a Malaysian LAW.

It is additionally loyal which a private muster by Jacob & Co's informal representative did take place in a private residence of a VVIP in Kuala Lumpur someday between a 17th - 19th of April, 2011.

NOW a interesting partial .....

It is NOT TRUE which a RM24 million ring owned by Jacob & Co was PURCHASED by any of a VVIPs who were present during a "private exhibition'.


It is a BIG LIE that a Prime Minister's wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor had purchased a ring with her assets as being propagated by a little politicians as well as their desperate lackeys.

These Opposition politicians have been so desperate which they have even combined a FAKEUtusan Malaysia front-pag! e montag e.

p/s This is not a first time such nasty 'super-imposed' pictures have been used to discredit a Government as well as those compared with it. The final time PKR's now BATU Member of Parliament Tian Chua ADMITTED superimposing Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's design as partial of their dirty political campaign to discredit Najib.

Courtesy of Bonology.com

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