
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, July 8, 2011

Religious leaders call for special prayers, urge all to heed King's advice

Religious leaders call for special prayers, urge all to heed King's advice

Religious leaders have urged "all parties" to respect the advice of the Malaysian King, who over the weekend issued a rare statement urging Prime Minister Najib Razak to conciliate with the Bersih coalition for free and fair election over its proposed July 9 rally in Kuala Lumpur.

Following an audience with the King, Bersih agreed to take its street rally indoor into the stadium, while Najib agreed to allow it to use a venue of its choice.

However, the PM later U-turned - saying that it was up to the police whether it would issue a permit. The stadium sought by Bersih - the Stadium Merdeka located in downtown Kuala Lumpur - was also denied as UMNO Youth and ultra Malay-rights groups like Perkasa protested, heaping pressure on the facility manager to not accept the booking.

Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein, who is Najib's cousin, had also refused to lift Bersih's "outlaw" status. That forced Bersih to dig in and declare that it would its really - come what may - at the Stadium Merdeka on Saturday at 2pm.

What if stadium is locked?

Should the stadium doors be locked, the Bersih supporters are expected to mill outside the stadium. Left without choice, the people are expected to gather at the Masjid Negara, Dataran Merdeka, Masjid Jamek and of course nearby Kuala Lumpur-Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, before moving over to the stadium grounds.

There is widespread anticipation that Najib will not be allowed to capitulate and accept a truce as ordered by the King. Since taking over in April 2009, the PM has allowed himself to be herded by extremist groups within his own UMNO party, so much so that exasperated pundits have given up on him.

They say, whichever way, the buck stops with him. As PM, Najib wields enormous power and if he does not use that clout for the good of the people but to drum up political favour within his own party, then Malaysians must abandon him as he abandons them.

Meanwhile, the Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) called on all Malaysians to hold special prayers tonight for peace, unity and harmony.

"We call upon all parties to heed the advice of our DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di Pertuan Agung. We as Religious Leaders in this multi religious nation of ours Malaysia, call upon people of all faiths to hold special prayers beginning 8 July in our respective places of worship for peace, unity and harmony to prevail in our beloved country once again," the MCCBCHST said in a statement.

- Malaysia Chronicle

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