
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, May 25, 2012

Anwar’s psy war victory

Roping in the former solicitor-general to join his defence team has dealt a severe blow to BN.
On May 22, Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim together with PKR deputy president Azmin Ali and another party leader were charged in court for their participation in the Bersih 3.0 rally.
Many political analysts viewed the move as another blunder on the part of the Barisan Nasional government, as it will only increase sympathy for Anwar depending on how one looks at it.
True enough, the case has already attracted even the attention of the US government.
“We encourage the authorities in Malaysia to ensure that due process is protected and that any trial is conducted in a fair and transparent manner,” US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland was quoted as saying when commenting on Anwar’s case. She also said that the US government would be monitoring the case.
However, the case had another unexpected and interesting turning point.
Former solicitor-general II, who was heading the prosecution team in Anwar’s Sodomy II trial, Mohd Yusof Zainal Abiden, appeared for Anwar in the present Bersih 3.0 case.
The bail imposed on Anwar was only RM500 but Anwar’s political shrewdness and tactical play by bringing Yusof into his defence team cost much more damage to the ruling BN government.
With Yusof’s appearance as a lawyer for Anwar, the opposition has begun another psychological war against the BN government to show that some former key government servants are joining the opposition’s cause in the face of GE-13, thereby strengthening their lobby to capture Putrajaya.
Yusof’s appearance as a lawyer for Anwar is not an isolated case either.
A few days ago, former CID director Fauzi Shaari officially joined PAS and declared that he will support and campaign for Pakatan Rakyat in GE-13, giving another boost to the opposition as he was the most senior former police officer to have joined the opposition.
Former commercial crime director Ramly Yusof also caused a stir in recent weeks by making several allegations against the former AG and IGP. Ramly is yet to make his political stand but it is already clear that he is against the BN government.
This seems to be the latest trend mooted by the opposition to win a psychological war against the BN government by showing the people that the government is in a shaky position because of the confidence shown by such senior former government servants towards the opposition.
Personal triumph for Anwar….
Although former solicitor-general II Yusof has clearly stated that he was only acting in his professional capacity as a practicing lawyer without compromising any ethical principles, the manner in which attacks were immediately hurled at him by Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali and estranged independent MP N Gobalakrishnan were clear signs that the BN government is in panic mode to correct the perceptions created by the presence of Yusof in Anwar’s defence team.
From the beginning Anwar has been reiterating that the Sodomy II trial was a fabrication and he won his first battle when he was acquitted and discharged.
Now, by bringing Yusof as one of his lawyers for his present case, Anwar has created a perception that the Sodomy II trial was politically motivated as the lawyer who prosecuted the case himself is now prepared to appear for him as one of his defence lawyers.
The result of the case against Anwar in respect of the Bersih 3.0 rally may not be known for another one or two years but for now he has definitely scored a point against the BN government in terms of psychological perception.
In the run-up to GE-13, several former senior government servants may join the opposition parties to snub the BN government. It is a well-known fact that some of the retired senior government servants have some grudges and disappointments against the BN government over such issues as denial of promotions.
They may now use the opportunity to show their anger against the BN government by openly supporting the opposition.
Alternatively, some former civil servants were strong supporters of PAS and PKR even when they were in service but they did not show it during their period of service for fear of repercussions.
Now with the talks of Pakatan Rakyat forming the next federal government, some of these former senior government servants may emerge to officially join the opposition parties.
The trend of former senior government servants joining or supporting opposition parties, if it continues to persist, would certainly be a psychological boost and victory for Pakatan over BN in their pursuit to capture Putrajaya in GE 13.
RJ Rajah is an observer and writer on politics and social issues with a keen interest in Malaysian Indian affairs.

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