
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Aussie senator plans to sue Utusan, too

Independent South Australian senator Nick Xenophon said he is considering legal action against two local newspapers, includingUtusan Malaysia, which through misquotes have painted him as anti-Islam.

nick xenophon 290412"Absolutely (legal action will be considered) in whatever language that it was published whether they have apologised or not," he said when contacted by Malaysiakini yesterday.

Xenophon was referring to an article published by Utusan Malaysia and New Straits Times (NST) which misquoted the senator's speech made in the Australian Parliament on Nov 17, 2009.

He had said: "Scientology is not a religious organisation. It is a criminal organisation that hides behind its so-called religious beliefs."

However, the both the dailies had substituted the word ‘Scientology' with ‘Islam', inferring that Xenophon was anti-Islam.

NST issues an apology

English daily NST bore the brunt of Xenophon's criticism and had issued an apology for its "grave error" the following day.

NONEXenophon confirmed earlier reports quoting a spokesperson from his office that he would still seek legal action againstNST despite its apology.

"I can confirm that I am seeking legal advice... It is a terrible defamation which attributed to me the vile and disgusting comments, a view I do not support," he said.

Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia, which published a similar story with identical misquotes, has since removed the online version from its website but has not issued any apology.

Xenophon was part of a seven-member international team on afact-finding mission on Malaysia's electoral system. They were commissioned by the Parliament Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.

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