
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, May 25, 2012

NEXT, Najib to sue the Rakyat over Bersih 3.0?

NEXT, Najib to sue the Rakyat over Bersih 3.0?
It won't be a surprise if we see a heading somewhat like the above soon in the newspapers and portals, with so many crazy incidences 'happening' or being created by a Government which has gone out of control due to fear of losing power.
Bersih 3.0 has made the Government manic and is losing its credibility to rule. The latest spectacle of Putrajaya suing Ambiga Sreenevasan and he Bersih team for RM 122,000 is the pits.
What else will they do next after charging Opposition leaders Anwar Ibrahim, Azmin Ali and Chegubard for attending the April 28 rally for free and fair elections? That's the question on the lips of Malaysians all over the country!
Well, it looks like they will sue and charge the Rakyat (populace) next!
Headless chicken
What does all this mean? That we have a runaway horse without any rein and a government which is running amok with antics of lunacy? It does look like we, Malaysians, are at the mercy of a tyrant rule with no borders.
Are we going to sit and do nothing? Of course not. We have to stand up and do the necessary, we should be all ears, eyes and mouth to propagate the truth to as many people as we can. We should burn the midnight oil and use the Internet to send mails, we should blog and Facebook to all and sundry. We must beat the biased mainstreams news to the finish line.
YES, WE MUST WIN for peace and harmony in Malaysia to prevail!
The nonsense
Let's recap all the mad incidences happening around us, post-Bersih
1.0 A group of MIC thugs and Youth leader T Mohan attacked PKR representatives in Putrajaya right in front of Prime Minister Najib Razak's official residence. (Mohan a leader in the mold of former MIC chief S Samy Vellu)
2.0 A Hindu funeral service performed by Perkasa Penang Muslim leaders for DAP adviser Lim Guan Eng. (It surely must be against Islam for Muslims to carry out Hindu last rites!)
3.0 Selling BEEF burgers in front of Ambiga's house on the pretext of losing business because of Bersih 3.0 ( Imagine according to these so-called stallholders, they can make about RM2,000 a day due to demand, so what is the Inland Revenue doing?)
4.0 Army veterans doing a BUTTOCKS show at Ambiga's house.( These guys are a disgrace to their families, how can they face their grown up children?)
5.0 About 100 youths wearing red pelting eggs and stones at DAP leaders during a high tea function in Merlimau (Paid mercenaries!)
6.0 Charging Anwar, Azmin and Chegubard gang for Bersih 3.0 misconduct. (Fear of Anwar)
7.0 The Najib administration suing Ambiga and Bersih. (Fear of a docile woman and the Bersih call for clean polls)
8.0 Another protest in front of Ambiga's house on Thursday. ( Recalcitrants!)
All these happened because Najib and his government are very afraid of Bersih 3.0. They feel they have to whitewash everything on sight, and even do wrong things to 'charade' it right.
It falls upon us as citizens, who hate all the above actions by hare-brained people, to lead the way and kick the Najib government out of the door.
As for Bersih and Ambiga it is our civic duty to protect them, they are fighting for free and fair elections for us and for a better Malaysia. There is every chance that they will be found guilty as charged, and we should all chip in and share the burden.
We should make a 'Collection Rakyat' and pay the amount the government is demanding from Ambiga and Bersih. This will be a tight slap on the face and the Najib government should feel the SHAME.
But don't hold your breath - when it comes to thick skin, few can challenge Najib and his mentor Mahathir Mohamad.
Malaysia Chronicle

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