
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, May 25, 2012

Total loss of respect for an incompetent and biased PM

Total loss of respect for an incompetent and biased PM
The soon to be powerless leaders are scrambling to seek divine help from historical books like The Art Of War - Sun Tzu and The Three Kingdoms. In fact most political leaders have all along been secretly reading these books, never mind if they were written by foreigners, as long as they can apply the methods to win and stay in power.
War is never a good thing, people get killed, properties destroyed and the ramifications caused will be tremendous, yet these leaders have no qualms about going to war.
We have to go to war, without choice, should there be an invasion on our soil from outsiders. But there must be something seriously wrong with our leaders should they permit a war to start within the nation, with its own citizens killing each other.
One sided - govt against the people!
Thank God the internal war in this country has not started due to tolerant right-minded Malaysians, albeit a one-sided one caused by gangsters and hooligans with speculation that they are state sponsored. These speculations may turn out to be true after all, judging from the leaders' non-action and silence as compared to the fast and furious action taken against Bersih 3.0
The Prime Minister has the right to condemn Bersih 3.0 all he wants even though investigation is ongoing on the exact cause of chaos but his silence on the continued gangsterism and hooliganism targeted at mostly opposition functions, NGOs forums, individual like Ambiga is truly worrying. "Qui tacet consentit" (silence implies consent)
A Prime Minister who screams and shouts that he is the PM for all Malaysians, and that Malaysia has the best democracy in the world, but is now suing Malaysian citizens for causing damage to public property due to the large Bersih 3.0 crowds at the April 28 rally just doesn't ring true. And he is doing all this even though the investigation has yet to conclude as to who the real culprits were at the Bersih rally.
When you hold power you are already acknowledged to be tough but why does Najib feel the need to act 'extra tougher' against the innocent rakyat or people by claiming without a shred of evidence that the Bersih 3.0 rally-goers were there to overthrow the government. You completely lose your dignity and respect by insulting the 200,000 Malaysians attending the rally.
Meanwhile, the fast and furious action taken against any group or individual who dares to criticize the government, while closing an eye on the criminal act of gangsterism and hooliganism against the Bersih organizers have hit on the nerves of Malaysians across the nation. And I for one have totally lost respect for a PM who is incapable of running the nation in a non-partisan way.
War can backfire
Has he forgotten he is PM of a nation and not just head of his party when performing his governmental duties?
The Bar Council was chastised and accused of being partisan when it passed a resolution that did not bode well with the ruling regime because it said the regime should not only apologize but also pay compensation to those injured or wrongly detained.
So, Mr Prime Minister, are you truly non partisan when you said that you are the PM for all Malaysians? Or is the 'all Malaysian' only meant for those who praise you including the gangsters and hooligans that go on rampage against those who criticize the government?
Studying The Art of War can help you win and stay in power but any wrong move can also backfire or bring destruction and chaos.
Peace is what people want in their short span of life on this earth and if you can fight a political war through peaceful means, you can be the winner anytime.

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