
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, May 22, 2012


BROKEN...... Hiew pointing the broken foot bridge.

THE WALKABOUT made by the Kota Kinabalu Member of Parliament Hiew King Cheu with the Sabah DAP leaders to the water village in Sembulan Lama proved shocking with the tons of garbage and near collapse timber foot-bridges.

This is in the heart of Kota Kinabalu City, and it is surprised that the government and especially the Department of Environment did not noticed this poor and bad condition of the water village. Why no action was taken by the authorities?
The people here complained to the MP Hiew that they are not satisfied with the authorities who do not care about their basic needs, and they said even a small timber foot-bridge also cannot come and make good. The timber planks on the foot bridges were missing and some became rotten years ago. It is very difficult to walk on it especially during the dark night where there is not a single street light here.

The rubbish floating on the water is accumulating very fast, and it is about time that there should be a cleaning exercise to be carried out here. The people don’t mind to do a 'gotong royong' to help the authorities to clean the tons of rubbish.

MP Hiew said the authorities should at least come to make good the falling foot bridge to provide the minimum safety for the people who use it daily. There is news that the whole water village under Sembulan Lama is going to be demolished to make way for some future development, but still at the mean time the well being of the people who still lives here is not be protected.

There are many families still live here, and looking at it they are in need of help urgently. They should not be taken for granted and be forgotten.

The people also call upon their wakil rakyat to visit them to find out their problems and to help them. They have not seen him for a long time. (DAP Media)


  1. A better walkabout for the water village is needed to make things safer and easier for the local people.

    1. As far as I concerned, most of the villagers are illegals.

    2. Perlu selidik sama ada mereka ni PATI. kalau betul rumah ni pun patut dirobohkan.

  2. A cleaning exercise is also a good idea, the authorities and locals should work together to clean up the rubbish in the water so that they can have a cleaner environment to live in.

    1. Penduduk yang tinggal di perumahan atas air kebanyakannya mengambil jalan mudah dengan menjadikan bawah rumah mereka sebagai tong sampah dan tandas.

  3. penduduk sendiri yang membuang sampah merata, perku ada kesedaran dalam diri mereka dahulu.

  4. lagipun kawasan Sembulan Lama ini ada ramai PATI, PATI2 ini harus dibanteras. lepas tu baru majukan kawasan tersebut.

    1. kawasan yang bukan ramai warga tempatan. bagus tu polis serbu tu tempat pasti banyak hasil.

    2. Yes, indeed. Sembulan Lama is one of the dirtiest places in KK.

  5. Carikan tempat yang sesuai untuk mereka diami. contohnya carikan kawasan darat untuk mereka. Tinggal diatas air sudah tidak sesuai. Apatah lagi ditengan2 bandar.

    1. Sembulan Lama is known for its history. But unfortunately, many illegals have been found to be staying there due to its proximity and well hidden. The authorities should do something. They should do it like in Tanjung Aru waterhouses as well.

  6. Siapa yang harus dipersalahkan? saya lihat disini tidak ada pihak yang harus dipersalahkan. Tapi semua pihak harus bertanggungjawab dengan apa yang berlaku.

    1. agree with you. Everyone should be responsible in preserving the environment.

  7. Residents at that area should also be responsible in ensuring the water is clean.

    1. yup, residents live they should responsible to the cleanness of the environment.

    2. Come on, most of the residents are not even Sabahan, I don't think they well educated about preserving the environment towards a better life. Hurm.

  8. As far as I concerned, this problem occurred not because of the government but due to the increasing numbers of squatters there. If you look closely, they won't look like locals. In fact, Sembulan has been said as one of the dangerous places in town.

  9. Pendapat saya bagus lagi kawasan itu dipindahkan. Ini kerana kawasan tersebut tidak sesuai tambahan lagi penduduk tidak pandai menjaga kebersihan kawasan tersebut.

  10. kalau ada peruntukkan nanti, gantikan saja papan itu kepada konkrit.. kalau masih juga guna papan, baik tidak perlu buat la laluan pejalan kaki tu.. sama saja hasilnya..

  11. bukan mau cakap jahat.. tp ini cerita pasal jambatan! bukan sampah.. memang la sana kotor.. dari dulu kerajaan ckp mau bg roboh ni tempat tp kerajaan sendiri tidak mampu memberi apa yg penduduk sana ingin kan... memang kebanyakan penduduk di sana PTI(pendatang tanpa izin) tapi jangan silap masih banyak lg penduduk Local tinggal di sana dan mempunyai tanah sendiri.. bagi aku la.. aku setuju dengan jeff ambuyat tu buat jambatan konkrit trus.. sepatutnya kerajaan lebih pintar dlm hal ni.. tp memandangkan ada di kalangan mereka yg makan duit kerajaan.. ini biasa terjadi.. lagi satu.. pendapat saya sendiri lagi bagus tempat tu timbus ngan tanah terus jadi sampah tu pun ikut terkubur..senang cerita kan.. jadi la tempat tu rumah ampai.. kan senang hidup.. ingat!! sebelum komen baca tajuk dulu bukan main libas ja komen.. penat pacik cina tu bergambar ngan jambatan kamu komen sampah pula.. LOL..


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