
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, May 11, 2012

Seeing Red Over Independent Panel

The government's promise to set up an independent panel to investigate the bashing of the public by the police and vice versa has been made known.

They kept to their promise of forming a panel and noone said about impartial members or conflict of interest and so on. Most likely their understanding or meaning of independent is as long as the members are not related to each other by profession or blood, it's good enough to BN as being 'independent status'

So it's independent by virtue of non blood or profession. BN didn't say about their views, attitude or one's neutrality on the Bersih issue right?

So, what do we make of an ex IGP who branded the marchers as having commie elements among them being selected to Head the panel? Nothing surprising really. You see, it just confirms the kind of doublespeak of 1Maklaysia and his BN government.

All those talk or promise about being open, without fear or favour and change doesn't seem to show in the appointment of the head of the panel. Even the respond of this ex IGP to calls for his withdrawal because of his bias remarks of the Bersih marches, reflect the kind of disease of the leaders and ex leaders who have headed government institutions.

When calls by him to withdraw, our ex IGP and his red commie plot he painted on Bersih 3.0 tries so hard to hammer the point that he is impartial and independent minded. And not surprising he displays the trait of how the government respond to negative reaction from the public. "They can say whatever they like. I mean… what is important is what you are and how you approach things,” he was reported to have replied.
Seeing red among yellow!

So it does speak out loud how our government and ex government fellows still behave when queried about double standard and bias action in enforcing the law, they will stick to their high ground and ignore the voices from the public. Were we not told they were our servants and we the masters? Well the voters buy into that politician lie always. Goes to show either voters are morons or they are so naive and weak willed and dependent on the politicians to get about their lives!

The 'let them think what they like' attitude is also seen in the case of the Election Commission's Head who is or is he still an UMNO member? Even if you are an inactive member, by virtue of your association with a political party, you can't, on ethical grounds and even moral argument, be heading an election commission can you?! Oh, forget this is BolehLand where incredible feats of honesty and angelic behaviour are displayed by the BN government daily. The Pakatan fellows likewise also now and then perform similar feats!

Do we really believe this fellow's denial of letting the membership taint his judgement, work and decision in EC? If we accept that one's affiliation will not taint one's judgement, no wonder we have so many ex cons and present conmen in the corridors of power and even head of many enforcement agencies right?

Even in sports supposedly where fair play is said to be practised, judges from the home team will definitely be bias and show favourtism towards the home team right? Like in a gymnastic event, the home judge will give a higher score to his or her own country athlete right? But they claim it shows patriotism!

So too if you are a member of a political party you'd be influenced whether you like it or not. Like even those enforcing the law who are supposed to be neutral are having double standards in low enforcement which we are well too familiar with! The latest in the mamak burger and funeral event (see later blog to come)

So if we accuse BN of being bias in selecting a member who has shown his bias attitude towards the Bersih fellows, can we also use the same argument if members of the Bar Council or Suhakam are selected too? The government and their supporters are also screaming bias and double standard towards these two groups in their report of the post Bersih 3.0 incident. So, who is really 'independent' at the end of the day if each of us who tries to give a fair assessment of both sides of an issue is being accused of being bias?

It would be a noble thing to do for the other members to resign if they believe in the concept of what independent is right? But everyone has his/her own prejudice, bias and favoritism attitude.

So if we believe in our ex IGP about his impartiality, appointing hims is akin to appointing the ex senator Tunku Aziz as head or a member of the independent committee and we should have full confidence impartiality and fairness will rule the day eh?

Even if both will say it's their personal view and they are entitled to it, each side will have respective 'bias' arguments on the outcome of the findings.

However our ex IGP wants to explain his impartiality or adopt the 'I couldn't care less attitude as I am right and they are wrong', Bersih supporters are seeing red over his appointment and his unwarranted labelling of the peaceful marches as 'red commies'! - YAHMEH!!!

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