
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, May 11, 2012

Pakatan Cyber Troopers Give Up

Folks, one of the major rules of Psy-War, especially thru Cyberspace is never admit defeat. Never throw in the towel.  If you start being defensive or begin admitting defeat, you are inadvertently telling the world that you dont have the gumption to win.  

And especially in politics it means you are telling the world that you are not the better man. You are saying that the best man is on the other side.  

I receved this in the mail from my Pakatan friends. Guys, thanks for sending me this - and also those fake photoshop pictures of the failed Bersih 3.0.  It makes my job so much easier (I dont get paid ok. I do it because I want to.)

The following is a very defeatist article that has appeared in Malaysian Chronicle.

Maybe the writer is actually  a closet BN supporter. There is another name for such people - err Fly? Cry? Sly? Try? 

I think it is a three letter word starting with 's' and ending with 'y'. Haiyya - sudah tua. Cannot remember.  Maybe the writer has been infiltrated into your ranks to write such demoralising articles. Better vwatch out.

Here is the sorry title.  My comments as I go along.

What will happen if the BN regains its two-thirds majority?
Written by  Iskandar Dzulkarnain, Malaysia Chronicle

Folks, they have thrown in the towel. It is not 'What we will do when we win  Putrajaya".  They have given up hope. (I think after the Bersih and the Ice Cream photos their fortunes are really taking a beating).

1. CAT will be a dirty word, Pakatan to be destroyed once and for all

For a start, it will be the beginning of the end of the CAT administration (Competency, Accountability and Transparency) currently implemented in the Pakatan Rakyat-governed states. CAT will be a dirty word.

I say kawan where have you been? CAT is already a dirty word lah.  Sel-CAT has become Sell-Dog.  So far all those who have been asked to appear in front of Sel-CAT have been found innocent.  They appear in front of Sel-CAT, there is a play-play hearing, then they say they cannot find any wrong doing, you are born again, clean as a whistle and you can continue doing what you were doing.

Massage Parlour licenses, sand mining, Kumpulan Semesta etc - semua OK punya. All clean and green. Sel-CAT sudah kasi halal mah.  What do you think - maybe one day Sel-CAT will issue 'Halal Pork' Certificate. Babi halal. Just wait and see.  Once you are approved by Sel-CAT you become halal.

2. Crackdown on the Internet, rape and pillage of national coffers

This will be followed by a major crackdown of the Internet, blocking of Opposition friendly weblogs, blogsites and electronic media while a restrictive Information Act will be implemented to ensure limited and controlled flow of information. The internet may even be disabled to the extent, that surfers will find it a pain to continue their web surfing activities.

I say kawan, this is a tall tale lah. It is the BN which created the Multi Media Super Corridor. It is the BN which brought in Broadband, WIMAX, Unifi, Maxis and dont know what else. It is the BN which UNTIL TODAY has safeguarded that the Internet shall not be censored.

On the other hand, trying posting a pro-BN comment on Lim Kit Siang's Blog. Or on any of your  Pakatan websites.  They block you off completely. That is the Pakatan for you.

3. New heights of corruption, while Umnoism will spread

The MCA and MIC would be powerless to stop the advance of UMNO, and will have retreat into a quiet corner, stepping aside to allow UMNOism to spread its roots and seep into every nook and cranny of the country.

I say kawan, the MCA and MIC are already dead. Samy Velu has lost and disappeared from memory. The MCA was almost wiped out. Gerakan was wiped out. Yet the BN made Koh Tsu Koon a Senator and made him a Minister. There are 17 Chinese Ministers and Deputy Ministers in the Cabinet. Please dont tell lies ok.

4. More foreigners would be allowed to enter the country, as the lucrative levies on foreign labor continues to fatten government coffers, while ensuring a continued vote bank during the bad times. 

Haiyya kawan - not much lah. Also those Indons who swim across DO NOT pay levies. The illegal Banglas, Nepalis and Myanmars also do not pay any levies. What are you talking about?  Do you seriously think the Filipinos and Indons in Sabah pay levies? They are all illegals lah. 

4. BTN, 3 Musketeers and Anarchy

BTN will also have a free rein to continue brainwashing the younger generation and the Civil Service; instilling the doctrine of Malay supremacy which is akin to the Nazism doctrine. BTN may even be upgraded and given its own exclusive Ministry.

I say kawan, one dude said he attended a BTN talk where they said, 'Dont give the BN the two thirds. Bagi menang saja cukup'.  The younger generation is now in a position to brain wash the BTN. Dont underestimate the younger generation.

5. Cost of living will spiral, with food items doubling in prices, while petrol will lose part of its subsidy and jump again, but property prices will fall sharply due largely to a sluggish economy and lack of demand as citizens try to migrate. 

Kawan the cost of living has already spiralled. Where have you been bro? Condo prices may be in for a correction - which is good. But landed properties are not coming down at all.  Equine Park now sells at RM100 psf. It was RM30 just a couple of years ago.  Citizens migrate? To where? Land is more expensive almost everywhere else bro, except maybe in Laos, Myanmar or Sulawesi. Do you want to migrate to Sulawesi? Just for cheaper land? 

6.    At a micro-level, the following events are likely to happen:

Penang may lose its non-Malay Chief Ministership 

(Hmm..so if there is a Malay Chief Minister in Penang it is not a good thing? What a racist pig you are)

Moral Squads will abound.

(Isnt this what the PIS fellows want? They have Moral Squads in Kelantan, Kedah and Selangor. It was JAIS (Selangor) which raided that DUMC Church. JAIS is Pakatan ok).

Wider policing across the country with the flourishing of road blocks across border states with stop and search teams.

(Good. It will be easier to catch the criminals, Nayati's kidnappers and other bad hats. But other than that, what would the Police be looking for at the road blocks? I have a spare tyre in my car.) 

Entertainment outlets may be curtailed or restricted under the pressure of Religious extremism.

(I say dunggu boy - wasnt it your PIS pots who said that there should not be movie cinemas in Bangi? Hypocrite).

Lynas Rare Earth will finally start operations.

(Unfortunately you will not be glowing in the dark either)

Meritocracy will be ridiculed.

(It already has. Its called the NEP. I dont like it either. But tell us where you went to University? Any Gomen scholarship? Yes? No?)

Open tenders will close.

(You mean there are Open Tenders now? Why?)

The Rule of law will disappear.

(Breaking Police barriers, overturning Police cars (to look for people trapped beneath - bodoh piang) and harassing voters at Polling Stations is Rule of Law for you?) 

Patriotism will sink to its lowest ebb, as Malaysians from all walks of life, look beyond our shores for greener pastures. 

(Well, if you migrate to Singapore there are no vernacular schools in Singapore. In Australia there are no vernacular schools. In the US, Canada, UK, Germany, France, New Zealand, Russia, Prussia, Austria-Hapsburg, Lower Saxony and in Atlantis there are no vernacular schools. Vernacular schools are only found in Malaysia. Also you have to pay full taxes in all these countries. That could be a bummer).

Businesses in Kuala Lumpur and other major cities will quietly shut down one by one, as the buying power of the ringgit shrivels, and as the lights go out one by one. It will be the end of the Malaysian dream with everyone calling it quits.

(Maybe the Banglas, Vietnamese, Myanmars and Nepalis will take over. A hundred years from now they will say 'Sri Ramji Sherpa the Kapitan Nepal founded Kuala Lumpur at the confluence of the Sg Klang and Sg Gombak in 2012.  The Perkasa boys will go berserk but they will not be able to do anything about it either. It has already happened once before - with Kapitan China Yap Ah Loy remember. Somehow I think life will go on).

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