
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, May 21, 2012

The ugly face of Umno in its twilight days

VOXPOP 'The intensity on the attack on Bersih co-chairperson S Ambiga and anything related to her is very telling.'

Event for Ambiga pelted with eggs and stones

vox populi small thumbnailHmmmmmmmm: A desperate government is an angry government. We must not yield to their violent tactics but keep focusing on Putrajaya.

If we show that we are frightened, they will continue to use this tactic whenever their rule is threatened. But if everybody ignores them, they'll have to change tack.

Fair Play: The intensity on the attack on Bersih co-chairperson S Ambiga and anything related to her is very telling.

It would appear to those that Ambiga, and by extension Bersih, could galvanise the rakyat to do what the opposition could not do for the past 50 years, and she must be stopped at all costs.

But there is a fatal flaw in their reasoning. Bersih is now much bigger than any personality because Bersih is the rakyat. And the rakyat is tired of more of the same.

Kairos: This kind of a ruffian culture is something that Malaysians would have to accept as routine if Umno remains to be the dominant party in the government. Gangsterism and thuggery would continue to be the order of the day.

Anyway, this kind of violent culture is already practised by our police force against unarmed defenseless citizens and so it is no surprise that the government hires thugs and ruffians to disrupt any gatherings which they perceive are against them.

That's how low the moral standards this country has sunk.

Add on to this the indecent butt exercises of the army veterans and the uncouth behaviour of Perkasa in front of the Penang CM's house, this nation is in a very pitiable state.

We desperately need a complete makeover.

Uselessbuntuttwarriors: This government has been an uncivilised gang of robbers all along.

But now their antics are in the open they are now resorting to open warfare of personal intimidation and crude Umno gangsterism to shut everyone up.

Who will protect the innocent? Not the police definitely.

That era of police neutrality is gone. Thugs are given police uniform to beat people in the open, especially in Bersih 3.0.

Swipenter: Umno's culture of intimidation, harassment and violence is raring its ugly head at most Pakatan ceramah.

This is not unlike the tactics of the Brown Shirts in Nazi Germany to cow anyone opposed to Hilter's idea of a Germany to be ruled by Aryan race over all others.

Mogansivas: I call upon Malaysiakini to remove the photo of depicting Ambiga on a placard with garland draped over it immediately.

It is distasteful and only serves to support and promote the views of the morons. I am shocked by Malaysiakini's standard of discretion and journalism.

Not Convinced: I disagree with Mogansivas.

Malaysiakini was right to publish the photo, as it was right to run the controversial video of the cow-head protest three years ago. Without such imagery, the anti-racists among us will not be roused from our complacency.

Racists must be dragged into the broad daylight and be exposed.

Malaysian Pariah: It is time for Bersih 4.0. The world is watching. The police are a disgrace to the country. Umno is a joke.

TruthSansBorders: Gangsters and hooligans. They have no message, no argument, just violence. This is the face of Umno in its twilight days.
Tibai claims top Pakatan man flirted with student

JomUbahUbah: This corrupt and abusive group Tibai has nothing to contribute to the progress of the nation but instead is more interested in sex stories, which is a disgrace to their faith and religion.

Blind Freddo: All of a sudden, flirting has become a crime but corruption, rape and murder are perfectly alright under BN rule. Once again, the sexual obsession of BN strategists dominates their thinking.

There is also always the possibility that the said ‘request' was a joke, especially if it was voiced in public. But you wouldn't expect humourless Umno people to be able to appreciate that.

Yes: Today's politics does not concern good, fair and clean governance, but sex, lies, fraud by the Tibai, Perkasa or some other party, and so forth. They are set up as a decoy to ensure victory for the BN. They are the monkeys of the day.

Datos Enough is enough, Tibai, some of you ‘frogs' were elected by the people for a different party and then you all leapt, betraying the people who had voted for you. You scums of the earth still have not repented. Why are you sitting in Parliament for?

This includes the backdoor senator in Tibai too. You have become useless to the rakyat. One piece of advice, just save your deposits in the coming election. Fade into oblivion and proudly narrate your exploits to your grandchildren.

Rom Nain: This is all getting rather tiresome, moronic and clearly a waste of everybody's time (other than yours, that is). So, please just crawl back into that sewage tank you came from and let us get on with our productive lives, will you?

Anonymous_3ec6: All these Malay rights groups are so engrossed in sex tales that corruption and misuse of power is irrelevant to them.

Fair Play: With a name like Tibai, what else are they capable of except sex and more sex.

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