
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, May 21, 2012

Umno's samseng culture behind Merlimau 'riot'

YOURSAY 'There is no need to explain. This has been Umno's standard modus operandi - intimidate, cause chaos and sometimes injury.'

Jasin Umno: Eggs and stones weren't supposed to fly

your sayKairos: Jasin Umno Youth chief Jezlee Tit has to take full responsibility for the entire fracas. His admission to organising the protest is noted. His attempt to distance himself from the unfortunate incidents that followed is rejected.

When you get thugs (from Jasin or anywhere, thugs are the same) to disrupt the proceedings, you may not be able to control what can happen. Just as well there were no serious injuries or even fatalities.

Let this be a lesson to any future Umno hiring of gangsters to disrupt peaceful ceramah. Umno is setting a dangerous precedent because the opposition can also do the same and nobody can predict what can happen.

Umno must stop this kind of uncivilised jungle tactics and behave like any matured civilised party should. Stop this nonsense before anarchy reigns.

MW: It is ironic that they criticised S Ambiga for failing to control 200,000 plus people at Bersih 3.0 but they cannot even control a few hundred.

Anonymous_4196: There is no need to explain. This has been Umno's standard modus operandi - intimidate, cause chaos and sometimes injury.

Most of the time, the troublemakers get away with it. Again and again, we can see this happening throughout the years.

That's probably why the troublemakers become bolder and bolder till Umno loses control.

JooGuan: I believe if the law enforcement personnel are enforcing the law righteously, we will have far less of this kind of unfortunate incidents.

The inaction or sluggishness of the law enforcement has silently condoned and encouraged this kind of thuggery.

Headhunter: This is the samseng culture that Umno has cultivated. To these hooligans, the BN government has given their tacit approval by their silence and failure to condemn or put a stop to them.

The home minister and the IGP (inspector-general of police) who are supposed to protect us from such uncivilised behaviour have both appeared to wash their hands off the matter.

For us in East Malaysia, we just hope that such culture does not get exported here, but I wouldn't bet on it. Our rural populace has also been subjected to such bullying and physical threats by the BN recently.

Abasir: With the hands of the Umno hoodlums and bigots evident in this scheduled riot and our 'principled aristocrat' shamelessly urging support for their unscrupulous leader, we may justly conclude that this is now no longer a battle for votes but a struggle to uproot evil as represented by this present regime.

Lim Chong Leong: Jasin Umno Youth chief Jezlee can deny it but we recognise Umno's modus operandi. And I do not believe his explanation because they lie from top to bottom they lie. They even officially print lies about foreign senators and opposition leaders.

Faz: It's not hard to fathom what is actually happening to Umno currently. The jitters on the possibilities of losing power is so eerily close by with clear signs showing.

Umno-BN is slowly but surely losing its grip on the tight control of their divide-and-rule strategy. No matter the amount of propaganda aired, the population is taking different views from the government-controlled MSM (mainstream media).

The ritual of disturbing the Pakatan rallies/functions or other functions not aligned to Umno-BN is another way of showing solidarity among the 'thieves' so as to display strength, but the superficial nature of it indicating otherwise.

They are feeling the heat and scared of the consequences.

Chandran Siva: Umno is afraid of Ambiga because she has solid support from all levels of Malaysians.

She and her Bersih team are working tirelessly to press for clean and fair elections for all Malaysians, be it BN or Pakatan Rakyat, so why is Umno so scared of her?

I think even PM Najib doesn't have such support compared to Ambiga. Her supporters are genuine whereas Umno has paid supporters.

Sa Tombs: Now all the former IGPs who had been so quick to pronounce a communist takeover by Bersih, and all the other nonsense, what have you to say about this?

Is Umno now being run by communists or is the word ‘amok' now have your blessings?

The late Tun Ghafar Baba comes from Jasin and he is one of the founding fathers of Malaysia and had accompanied Tunku Abdul Rahman when the announcement for ‘merdeka' was made. He must be turning in his grave to see what Umno has become.

Being Human: What rubbish is Jezlee Tit talking about? Where and when did Ambiga belittle Islam?

If you are so concerned about people belittling Islam, go to all the cafes and lounges in Malacca town, and see your people belittling Islam there.

Anonymous_VV: Ambiga respects Islam more than any of the Umno goons. She is a fine lady who respects all religions. She is in a class none of these idiots can match.

Anonymous_40f4: The Umno posters reads ‘AM-BABI-GA' and this is a severe insult to all Hindus and their religion because ‘Ambiga' is the name of a Hindu god.

Why must Umno and MCA always insult people's religions?

Cannon: I'm reminded of a tale about a teacher who would fling his shoe at pupils caught dozing on their desks.

The shoe would fly from one end of the classroom to the other and would land smack on the head of the pupil. The pupil would be roused, rudely shaken, to the laughter of the whole class. The teacher would remark nonchalantly, "Hantu kasut".

The eggs and stone weren't supposed to fly, but fly they did - and they have a strange way of hitting BN right on the head.

The signs are up on the wall for Malaysians to see, the end-game is coming up for BN. - Malaysiakini

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