
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

‘BN and Umno leaders pawning Sabah’

The formation of Malaysia was similar to the formation of Great Britain consisting of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland where each of them have their own autonomy.
KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) has denounced Kota Belud MP Abdul Rahaman Dahlan’s view that Sabah is just one of the 13 states in Malaysia.
SAPP supreme council member Peter Marajin accused Abdul Rahman of denying Sabah’s autonomy by twisting the history of the proclamation of Malaysia in Sept 16, 1963.
“The proclamation of Malaysia read by Donald Stephens at Padang Bandaran on that particular day that Sabah is one of the 13 states in Malaysia does not mean Sabah’s status is the same as Perlis or Kedah in Malaya at that time. It is only a question of convenience that such proclamation was pronounced.
“It must be remembered that Malaya had already attained independence on Aug 31, 1957 through a federation of 11 states. Sarawak gained her independence on July 22, 1963 and Sabah on Aug 31, 1963.
“These two Borneo territories were already full pledged nations when they joined up with the Federation of Malaya and Singapore to form a new nation called Malaysia” he pointed out in a statement issued here yesterday.
When discussions were held for the formation of the new nation, he noted, it was agreed that Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore were to be federated with Malaysia.
“But it does not mean that they agreed to be added as three new states under the already federated Federation of Malaya. The three nations were to be federated with the new nation Malaysia with distinct autonomy of their own and not to be treated like Perlis, Kedah and the other states of Malaya.
“This autonomy is well spelled out in the IGC Reports and other documents which include the 20 Points (Sabah) and 18 Points (Sarawak),” he said.
Changes came after Singapore left
Marajin accused Sabah Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders, especially those from Umno, of pawning Sabah’s autonomy for their own interests.
He claimed that the ‘re-colonisation’ of Sabah and Sarawak by the federal government began when Singapore was ejected from the Federation in 1965 and the parliamentary seats for the two Borneo territories was then reduced to only 27% of the total number of the seats.
“(From) here KL started amending the laws and the Federal Constitution to the effect that now the status Sabah and Sarawak have been reduced to be similar with Perlis, Kedah and so on, thus, doing away our autonomy and KL now is simply reluctant to acknowledge this let alone restore it.
“Rahman ought to tell the people why KL never honoured the autonomy guarantee instead of trying to fool the people that Sabah lost privileges once Malaysia was formed,” he said.
Marajin said the people yearned for restoration of autonomy as stated in the Malaysia Agreement giving Sabah leaders total powers to determine the state’s direction without interference from Kuala Lumpur.
Federal powers were limited to matters concerning security and national level, he reminded.
There is no question of secession by Sabah because the formation of Malaysia was similar to the formation of Great Britain consisting of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland where each of them have their own autonomy.
‘Four parties signed Malaysia Agreement’
Meanwhile, in a separate statement, Marajin’s party colleague cum Luyang assemblywoman Melanie Chia urged Abdul Rahman to stop misleading the people of Sabah that Sabah is one of the 13 states in Malaysia.
“This is a blatant example of the BN government wanting to mislead the people. Sabah has a stature that cannot be denied.
“It is because of politician like (Abdul Rahman) Dahlan that Sabah’s autonomy and the interests of its people have been abused and depleted progressively over the years since the formation of Malaysia,” she said.
She pointed out that Abdul Rahman had failed to acknowledge there was the Malaysia Agreement signed on July 9 July, 1963 between the United Kingdom and the Federation of Malaya, North Borneo, Sarawak and Singapore.
“Without the signing of the Malaysia Agreement, an agreement relating to Malaysia together with the annexes including the Constitution of Sabah, there would have been no Malaysia. Please note, there were four parties signing of this agreement.
“These important documents determined the formation of Malaysia. The Malaysia Proclamation as read by our First Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman and by the respective heads in Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore must be read in (the right) context to get the full spirit of the proclamation,” she said.
Chia went on to note that Abdul Rahman had chosen to refer and highlight only the last paragraph of the Malaysia Proclamation to state his claim that Sabah is only one of the 13 states.
“Has he not read the preceding paragraph of the Proclamation where it is written that our first Prime Minister with the concurrence and approval of His Majesty the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong of the Federation of Malaya, His Excellency the Yang Di-Pertuan Negara of Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore ‘do hereby declare and proclaim’,” she asked.
Chia pointed out that unlike the other states in Malaya that are run by an Executive Committee, Sabah and Sarawak have State Constitutions besides their own Cabinet system of government.
This, she said, is a testimony of the special position of Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysia.
“History is always an important reference as it is the discovery, collection, organization, and presentation of information about past events, but we must not make selective references only.
“We should look at history in its totality and rectify any shortfall that is due to the people and not continue to blur and distort the facts and succumb to continued unfairness and injustices,” she said.


  1. I think Jeff should bluff like hell.

  2. Sejarah sepatutnya mengajar kita jadi lebih matang dan berusaha untuk memperbaiki kekurangan/kelemahan.

  3. Jangan jadikan benda lepas sebagai isu untuk menjatuhkan sesama pihak. Apapun, semoga Sabah akan terus membangun.

  4. BN was concerned, every promise made to the people would be fulfilled

    1. sebab itu rakyat di negeri ini dapat hidup aman dan harmoni tanpa sebarang konflik antara rakyat Sabah dengan kerajaan persekutuan.. dan sebab itu jugalah tidak ada pungutan suara dibuat untuk mengkaji semula perjanjian Malaysia..

  5. Jangan pesongkan pemikiran rakyat terutama generasi muda tentang sejarah yang sebenar.

    1. sesuatu perkara yang bagi rakyat sukar untuk difahami, akan dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya oleh pemimpin2 pembangkang supaya rakyat semakin keliru dan berpendapat bahawa mereka la yang betul..

  6. Apa pun kerajaan BN jugalah Sabah terus kekal dan maju seperti apa yang kita nampak sekarang ini.

    1. yup.. SAPP yang sejak kebelakangan ini asyik berlakon sebagai pejuang rakyat Sabah, juga gagal memajukan negeri ini dan gagal memajukan ekonomi rakyat di negeri ini..

  7. ""Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) has denounced Kota Belud MP Abdul Rahaman Dahlan’s view that Sabah is just one of the 13 states in Malaysia.""

    Agreemant Malaysia yang ditandatangani dokumennya di London, perlu melaksanakan Akta Malaysia untuk menubuhkan Kerajaan Malaysia ketika itu. Perkara ini telah dimasukkan di dalam artikel 1: Iaitu artikel ini menerangkan bahawa negeri-negeri yang terlibat dalam Persekutuan Malaya, Singapura,Sabah dan Sarawak setaraf dengan negeri-negeri di dalam Malaysia.

  8. bagi saya, pemimpin2 SAPP juga tidak layak menjelaskan kepada rakyat berkenaan dengan sejarah penggabungan Malaysia.. kalau mahu membincangkan isu ini secara mendalam, baik jemput saja pihak2 yang arif berkenaan dengan sejarah dan undang2, bukannya ahli politik..

  9. BN's collapse has started. It's God's will. After all the people own the country and elect the gov't to SERVE, not to rob them.
    UMNO leaders are always creating and raising false issues. Treating people like fools. These morons - the greatest disgrace to Malaysia. These won't last 3 months in bersih, democratic countries like NZ, Aust, US, UK & Canada; and you've given them 55 years & lost what experts assessed at over US100billion = RM300,000million = RM300,000,000,000.
    Gerrymandering. Frauds in electoral roll with aliens, duplicates & phantoms. Buying & bribing…all using your money!. Biased EC Chiefs from UMNO. Unfair monopoly of media, heli, vehicles, boats, venues & resources. All using your money to destroy you!

  10. Even in far-away, neutral New Zealand we are boiling mad, your BN Gov’t is outrageously crooked and dishonest, & for how many decades now! GOSH! Horrific plunder and robbery, skinning & fleecing the whole country. eg Taib in Sarawak, holding 3 supreme portfolios of Chief Minstr, Finance Minstr & Planning & Resources Minister, plundering for 31 yrs. Your PM pretends nothing’s there…..now he revenges on Rafizi for the NFC cows, even after 3 murders: Ross Boyert (Taib’s former US aide), Manser (native & rainforest activist) & Altantuyaa (Scorpene $$ claimant), & after BN lost over RM300billion in 55 yrs. Yr PM flies a new RM200m plane & Taib rides Rolls Royce. In NZ our PM flies 2nd Class; here Taito P Field, an MP was jailed for a few years for corruption (using Thai immigrants to paint his houses). How long would yr Dr MM, Najib, Taib all the BN/UMNO/PBB cronies, MACC, Police chiefs last in a democratic country like NZ, Aus, UK, US or Canada before going to jail? 1 mth?

  11. Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan expressed his confidence in Prime Minister Datuk Najib Tun Razak’s leadership through government transformation programmes, which emphasised the people’s needs especially those living in remote areas, as it showed an understanding for the people of Sabah.

  12. Pairin noted that the people must support these efforts as transformation programmes will bring benefits, development and improve the lives of people in the state.

  13. Pairin, who is also State Infrastructure Development Minister, said a good relationship between the federal and state government was also positive for Sabah residents.

  14. Therefore he added that there is no reason for Sabahans not to support a leader who brings changes and focuses on the welfare of the people.

  15. Therefore, Pairin who is also Tambunan assemblyman, invited the people of Sabah, especially the Kadazandusun Murut community, to help maintain the BN government which has proven its ability to defend the people.

  16. He also touched on the issue of forming a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on the influx of illegal immigrants in Sabah, saying it has been approved by the central government and only waiting for implementation as it involved provision of terms such as legal aspects.

  17. Pairin also urged the people to reject the opposition and their empty words; citing that the opposition are "generous" in their words and promises when election is approaching but they fail to keep them. This also goes for the Tambunan Declaration which was an empty promise and not even signed by opposition leaders. he added that BN has already proven its capability in fighting for the people.


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