
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, December 10, 2012

'Teng's statement proves Penang is not anti-Malay'

Penang BN chief Teng Chang Yeow continues to get slammed over his statement last week that the state could be heading towards Islamisation with the increase of allocation for Muslim affairs.

NONEState executive councillor on Islamic affairs Abdul Malik Abul Kassim (left) said Teng’s “racist, betrayer and anti-Malay or anti-Islam” stance clearly reveals the “ugly and narrow-mindedness” of the Barisan Nasional.

“This is worsen by Umno’s silence and hypocrisy although they often claim to be so-called defenders of the religion but here they seem to be in cahoots with, and endorse what Teng has said,” said Abdul Malik.

“This is the same Umno which accused the Penang government of being anti-Malay and anti-Islam to poison the minds of the community,” he added, in a statement.

Teng had said this in a MCA organised dinner on Dec 6, adding that there is a 300 percent hike in state allocations for Islamic affairs but not much was given to the Chinese Town Hall.

Teng, who is former state exco, had even teased Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng for being “afraid” of PAS, which had only garnered one seat in the state against DAP’s 19 and PKR’s nine.

‘Teng, say it to Malays’

However, Abdul Malik said Teng’s statement has rubbished Umno’s criticisms towards the state government.

He added that the statement by the Gerakan secretary-general also proves that the state had been “fair and just” to all, regardless of race, religion and political allegiance.

“Teng’s comment also confirms that after 50 years administering the state, the BN has denied the rights of Malays and Muslims in various sectors,” said Abdul Malik, who is also Batu Maung assemblyperson.

NONE“Teng said this in front of Gerakan and MCA supporters to show that the state, under his party president Koh Tsu Koon (right), never approved allocation as much as we did under Pakatan Rakyat,” he added.

Abdul Malik said the community will continue to be marginalised if governed by BN, with leaders like Teng who try to prevent the development of the religion and the community.

He further challenged Teng to repeat what he said to the Malay community, and dared state Umno chief Zainal Abidin Osman to demand an apology from his colleague.

He also demanded that the various Malay NGOs, led by pro-Umno leaders, and the party owned news daily Utusan Malaysia slam Teng for his remarks.

Gerakan-Umno plot?

Meanwhile,  Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) also hit out at Teng, saying they are aware of the latter’s strategy to hoodwink Penangites.

SAMM Penang chapter coordinator Aidil Ibrahim said there is no reason for Teng to be “envious” of Pakatan’s policies towards the Malays and Muslims as the latter had not been “advised” by Umno when governing the state prior to 2008.

NONE“We cannot rely on Umno to fight for the community’s welfare. They did not even say a word when Kedah Gerakan Youth chief Tan Keng Liang (left) berated the Muslim women’s right to cover themselves.

“Is it because Umno no longer cares for Islam? Is there a complot between Gerakan and Umno?” asked Aidil, in a statement.

“But it looks like Umno has made used of Gerakan – which is on the verge of a breakdown – to incite tension between the different ethnic and religious groups,” he added.

Aidil warned Umno to stop “playing with fire”, saying such sentiments must be kept in check, and that Penangites must be aware of BN’s “evil plans” after reaching a dead end on how to recapture Penang through elections.

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