
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Cash handouts, vote buying: Spot the difference

YOURSAY 'The money is not yours to give anyway. The money belongs to the taxpayers. Imagine that - bribing us with our own money.'

Muhyiddin: BR1M could be raised to RM1,000 if BN wins

your sayAnonymous #21828131: Tell us, Election Commission, is this not buying of votes by openly offering ‘cash handouts' to individuals to ensure a BN win?

Say I am nominated for the post of chairperson in a condominium management committee at a coming AGM (annual general meeting). And to win votes I give the owners of each household RM500 then promise them another RM1,000 every year if they vote me as chairperson.

Is this not buying of votes, or better known as corruption?

Anonymous$&@?: So what is the difference between this statement "BR1M RM1,000 if BN wins next GE" and "drop harassment complaint if I give you RM30,000."

MACC, please explain?

Changeagent: This is precisely the type of wanton disregard that BN has for responsible financial prudence and management of the country's finances.

While our debt level edges perilously closer towards the 55 percent statutory debt ceiling, the DPM irresponsibly commits to dishing out BR1M "not only for the second time, but for the third, fourth, fifth time, or even forever if BN wins the government".

At the same time, BN's political elites continue to help themselves to more PKFZ, NFC, Scorpene, Amangate and Awan Megah scandals not only for the second time, but for the third, fourth, fifth time, or even forever if BN wins the government.

Tim'sTime: Dear DPM, don't be a cheapskate. Removing the highway tolls and excise duties on cars is worth at least RM10,000 for the first year alone.

Reducing Tenaga bills is another RM500 a year at least. Even the cheapest car is taxed more than RM10,000.

We vote not just for the goodies that BN dished out of the rakyat's pocket to give back to the rakyat.

We are voting for better education policies, removal of tolls, reduced excise duties, a transparent and people-friendly government, more hospital facilities and help for those who cannot afford hospitalisation insurance, and a leader who is a Malaysian first and his race after.

Can you do all this, dear DPM? You may say that Pakatan Rakyat is just making promises. At least, they dare to promise. If Pakatan fails, we the rakyat will know what to do. At the moment, they are faring well as state governments.

Sarajun Hoda: Something is seriously wrong with BN leaders. Every time the people want something, something else is given.

The people want jobs, social security, cheaper groceries, cheaper education, higher income, lower living expenses. Those are the areas they should be focused on, not giving one time gifts like these.

How long can BR1M (Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia) last? How many days? What about the rest of the year - suffer in silence?

This is blatant corruption to buy votes. But in reality, Deputy Prime Muhyiddin Yassin is insulting the intelligence of the Malaysians - it's as if they can be bought so cheaply.

Mangodurian: RM1,000 to buy your votes forever? Shameless.

RM1,000 can only sustain you for three weeks of food or 1/4000th of a cheap car or 1/30,000th of an apartment or 1/60,000th of a decent house or 1/240,000th of an infamous diamond ring.

When you've used up that RM1,000, you will still be paid relatively low wages, your kids will still have a bad education, your house will still be robbed - that is, if you are not robbed of your RM1,000 in a snatch theft.

JT1E80: What an outright bribery! How on earth can the people of Malaysia continue to tolerate these sort of politicians?

The money is not yours to give anyway. The money belongs to the taxpayer. Imagine that - bribing us with our own money.

Opah: The sad fact is that Umno is not using money collected from current taxpayers for this pay-off. The government has already spent all the tax money it has collected.

So it must borrow money to pay for BR1M. We, and our children, will pay for the borrowed money that Umno is giving away now.

Hmmmmmmmm: In my book, if you have to give so many subsidies to the people to ease their burden, then you have failed as a government.

Just imagine, 60 percent of households in Malaysia earn less than RM3,000 a month and thus qualify for BR1M.

Louis: Give another five years to BN and there is only one thing certain for the country - bankruptcy. BN has already run out of ideas to take the country forward.

Like an old man, it cannot think fast for new ideas, but copies from a more vibrant party like Pakatan Rakyat.
Pakatan came out with the idea of giving out money to senior citizens first, and Najib shamelessly copied the idea. The difference is Pakatan gave from a surplus of funds.

Anyway, Pakatan should be proud that BN is copying its every step. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Observor: To use the hard-earned taxpayers' money to fish for votes (for personal gain) is just not the way. As a taxpayer, I feel betrayed.

This mentality of receiving easy money (without working for it), propagated by the government to retain power, will not work in the long term. It has to stop immediately, lest the country goes bankrupt.

Anti Umno: Even if you were to increase it from RM500 to 2,000, will it help? You are just asking them to continue to be beggars in their own country.

Responsible governments improve the country's economy so that the rakyat can make a decent living from their hard work. We do not want roti (bread), while you guys feast on shark's fin.

Buddyoo: DPM - you can only confuse and cheat the uninformed and uneducated. Malaysia is technically bankrupt right now, if you ask me.

If all the EPF (Employees Providence Fund) depositors wanted to withdraw their funds, you wouldn't have the money to pay them.

The country's debt is reaching an untenable state. You have sold forward all the little resources and assets that country has. You offer no solution to all the mega leakages and scandals.

The way the BN government runs the country is so imprudent. What is the meaning of achieving developed nation status by 2020 with all the borrowed money and at such an expensive cost?

Like a crooked listed company that borrows money to pay dividends to shareholders - while at the same time the executives take huge salaries - where do you think this company will end up?

Oscar Kilo: I am not eligible for BR1M. On the contrary, I am funding BR1M with my tax money. And Muhyiddin is giving out my money without my permission!

Anonymous #42402094: As a taxpayer, can I take the government to court to ensure that my tax money is not squandered to buy votes? - Malaysiakini

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