
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

SHOCKER! Bank Islam suspends economist, Anwar slams Najib for unprofessional HYPOCRISY

SHOCKER! Bank Islam suspends economist, Anwar slams Najib for unprofessional HYPOCRISY
Embattled Prime Minister Najib Razak's bid to reclaim popular support has proven to be short-lived and already fallen flat. Bank Islam's chief economist Azrul Azwar Ahmad Tajudin has been suspended for a recent prediction he made about the outcome of the next general election that favours Najib's arch rival Anwar Ibrahim.
"[This is a sign of] Umno's authoritarian rule. Don't be cruel. I would advise Bank Islam to review its harsh action towards Azrul," Anwar wrote on his Twitter.
"In the morning, talk. In the evening, suspend," added Anwar, referring to comments Najib had made earlier in the day thanking the Pakatan Rakyat opposition coalition for respecting the spirit of the Peaceful Assembly Act when holding a massive rally over the weekend.
Najib had raised eyebrows with his thanks which followed other liberal-sounding remarks made the same day, such as military rule and a one-party system could not flourish in Malaysia.
His comments contrasted sharply against the hardline response made by former premier Mahathir Mohamad, who accused the Opposition of trying to oust the incumbent BN government with its KL rally ala the Arab Spring protests that saw the downfall of several dictatorships in the Middle East.
“The rally that took place peacefully in Stadium Merdeka last Saturday is a testimony to the ability of all, whether it’s the authorities or the organisers to obey the provisions and spirit of the existing Act. Congratulations on the professionalism displayed by the authorities. I also say ‘thank you’ to the opposition; although I don’t agree with them but they respected the spirit of the Peaceful Assembly Act,” Najib had said in a speech on Monday.
Jack of all pretty-words and master of none
Given the corruption-riddled PM's past record of reneging on his words and flip-flopping on his policies, few political observers had taken him seriously. They pointed to how he had in his maiden adress at the United Nations assembly advocated moderation and lashed out at Islamophobia or anti-Islamic feelings.
Yet when he returned to Malaysia, he threw his support behind right-wing racist groups such as Perkasa and Mahathir, who is still considered the most powerful man in their Umno party.
"It is just Najib trying to steal some of the glory from PR's wonderful KL rally. He is trying to claim credit for the new assembly law but as usual, he has conveniently forgotten that the law came about after he ordered the police to attack the people attending the Bersih rallies. He is not insincere - that much is clear," PKR MP for Batu Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.
Sacked for giving a political outlook!
Indeed, Najib was 'rumbled' soon enough. Azrul, who is also a member of Anwar's PKR party, has confirmed he has been suspended and fears he will soon be sacked.
"I have been suspended for now but dismissal may not be too far away if I don't tender my resignation. It think it's clear that they want me to leave," Azrul toldMalaysia Chronicle.
On January 11, Singapore's Straits Times reported Azrul as having told a forum in the city-state that Najib's Umno-BN coalition may win only 97 to 107 seats in the coming general election, not enough to form the next federal government. This would give a landmark victory to Anwar's PR, effecting the nation's first-ever regime change.
Presenting his views at the Regional Outlook Forum, Azrul warned that PR's slim win could spell some "instability", and even said there was a possibility of “economic sabotage” by businesses aligned with BN.
Bank Islam managing director Zukri Samat immediately wrote a disclaimer to the daily, saying the bank had nothing to do with Azrul's views. "The views expressed by Mr Azrul are entirely his personal view and should not be linked or attributed to Bank Islam whatsoever," said Zukri.
Azrul was also attacked by Deputy Finance Minister Awang Adek Hussin, who said he should not be talking about politics "in view of his influential position in a bank that is based on the Islamic concept in Malaysia". "True, Azrul Azwar expressed his personal view, but does that show his professionalism?" added Awang.
Climate of fear
Nonetheless, it is normal and part of any economic or business analysis to include the political outlook of a country in any assessment - what more, a nation facing its 13th general election within the next few months.
Recently, another financial analyst Mak Hoy Kit had warned that Malaysia could be shunned by investors if the BN lost power. Neither Awang nor any of his colleagues in Umno-BN protested or raised the issue of professionalism in this instance, which in turn reflects poorly on their own professionalism.
"This is the BN climate of fear. It is one of the main causes of its downfall - why people are turning to PR and Najib's popularity is at an all-time low. The KL rally on Saturday was attended by hundreds of thousands despite all sorts of warnings from the BN and its media that to attend the rally would be akin to supporting a rebellion against the government. But BN doesn't learn. Neither does Najib. No amount of pretty words can help him. He must walk his talk," said Tian.
Malaysia Chronicle

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