
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Malay State of MInd: Get Rid of UMNO to stay sane.

I want to repeat this story. I was sitting outside the stadium Merdeka on the epochal day of HKR12th Jan. One Malaysian Indian approached me and identified himself as someone who comes from Perak. He is a keen reader of my blog. Thank you, after all this blog to blogging is like the Lumpini stadium to Muay Thai boxing, Madison Square Garden to Boxing and Wimbledon to Tennis Tournament. You don’t have to agree with what I write but if you can, please listen to the arguments and message. And then please spread the word around. It’s time to replace UMNO government.

He recounted an incident he had with an UMNO ketua Bahagian. The UMNO leader asked him to rally Indian support to UMNO. The gentleman answered, this time the Indians are keeping their ears close to the ground. In other words, provided the UMNO leader is not thick, the Indians are not going to support UMNO/BN unconditionally. That in spite of the many claims by many BN Indian leaders that the Malaysian Indians are back into the embrace (deadly?) of BN.

He asked the UMNO leader what is the problem with UMNO? If PR takes over, the PM is still going to be a Malay. Right now the consensus is Anwar will be the next PM. If UMNO has objections to that, that is an UMNO problem, not of others. He is a Malay and a Muslim. When PR takes over, Islam will still be the official religion; Bahasa Melayu the official language, Malay kings will still be Malay kings. This means, all the concerns of the Malays regarding these things are non-issues because they remain intact! Malay leaders will replace UMNO Malay leaders- but they are still Malay and Muslims. So, the Malaysian Indians reserve their right to elect leaders whom they think best serve the country. Why should Malaysian Indians deny themselves the chance to elect better Malay leaders? Anwar Ibrahim for example can’t do any worse than Najib.

So Najib can claim through others that his transformation agenda has been successful. We know they are not. His economic policies are bringing the country closer to fiscal ruin. How does he plan to increase revenue? By imposing GST on the people. More people can be taxed.

You should go after the tax evaders. Go after the companies that repatriate hidden profits and carry out over-invoicing to their companies abroad. Each year on average, over the last 10 years, RM87billion was siphoned out of Malaysia.in 2011 alone, close to RM200billion. In 2010 it was RM143 billion. And get this- 80% of the capital flight (a sanitized named for plain smuggling of money out) is accounted for by trade mispricing in intra-company transactions. Something similar to say MINDEF buying Rapid Intervention Vehicle from X supplier at RM600k each, while market price is RM150k. X supplier is actually a wholly owned company of MINDEF.

Now , 20% of the illicit transfer is accounted for by corruption, bribery, theft, kickbacks. So if in 2011, the smuggling out of our money was RM200 billion, the amount accounted for by corruption, theft and bribery was RM40billion.

RM20 billion can get us 384, 615 houses costing RM52, 000 each. That’s only half of the amount taken out by corruption. You still have the other RM20billion corruption money.

But UMNO wants to speak about the use of Alllah and Hadi’s edicts.

Why must any right thinking Malay support UMNO. It has been responsible for turning them into beggars in their own country. After 55 years of UMNO rule that made them that, Malays want to still support UMNO? UMNO was responsible for giving the bulk of the RM54billion worth of equity in good companies to Malays under NEP. The titled and privileged people, Datos, Tan Sris, Tengkus sold out RM 52billion. You have betrayed the Malay economic agenda, and you still want Malays to support you?

UMNO alone was responsible for the death of Bank Bumiputra, symbol for Malay economic hope; Malays want to still support UMNO? And in the process of killing off BBMB you have used RM3.5billion PETRONAS money to inject capital into BBMB. In the end, BBMMB was swallowed by Nazir Razak allowing the government through Khazanah to pay him RM1.2 million a month?

And now the coup de grace- the Malays in Johor are slowly turned into the poorest in the country as the economic plans for that state, including the sale of whole territories in The Iskandar Region, are short-changing the Malays. Malays still want to support UMNO?

Malays are raped, pillaged and plundered, and UMNO has no shame asking for another 5 years? Will the Malays excuse and justify UMNO when UMNO leaders and petty rank and filers, come into their homes, sleep with their wives and daughters, the Malays will say, Allah be praised, these people are one of us and UMNO! 

O Allah, Lord, God- Deliver us from this madness!

Posted by sakmongkol AK47

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