
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, May 9, 2013

100,000 banjiri stadium Kelana Jaya...

Lebih 100,000 orang berkumpul di Stadium Kelana Jaya bagi membantah penipuan dalam pilihan raya umum  ke 13 baru-baru ini. Ketua Umum PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim mengetuai perhimpunan ini dengan disertai sama oleh Timbalan Presiden PAS, Haji Mohamad Sabu.

Walaupun hujan renyai-renyai sejak petang tadi, ia tidak menghalang mereka berkumpul di stadium itu.

Lebuhraya Persekutuan yang menghala ke kawasan perhimpunan jam teruk sejak petang tadi.

Ini adalah perhimpunan pertama dianjurkan selepas pilihan raya umum ke 13 yang menyaksikan Barisan Nasional (BN) kembali berkuasa tetapi penuh dengan kecacatan.

Ketika ditemui pemberita kemudiannya, Anwar berkata, beliau kagum dengan kehadiran spontan walaupun perhimpunan itu hanya dipanggil pada hari Isnin.

"Saya tidak akan berhenti sehingga kita sampai ke Putrajaya, sehingga kita dedahkan semua (penipuan) dan tuntut Putrajaya untuk rakyat.

"Mereka berhak mendapatkannya kerana kita, Pakatan, menang undi popular," katanya.

Anwar kemudiannya mengumumkan bahawa satu lagi perhimpunan pada hari Sabtu di Pulau Pinang, serta merancang untuk turut mengadakanya di Ipoh pada hari Jumaat.  

Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim arrives. His arrival is greeted with wild cheers from the crowd, who also begin shouting, "Kami anak Malaysia". 

 Four kilometres from the venue, passengers on a bus and several cars alight from their vehicles and begin making their way to the rally on foot. All are dressed in black.

Meanwhile, men in a pick-up truck waves a PKR flag, to honks of support. 

DAP leader Lim Kit Siang is spotted riding pillion on a motorbike in the effort to beat the traffic jam so that he could get to the stadium on time for his speech. 

PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim is also seen being ferried to the venue on a motorbike. 

Anwar datang ke stadium dengan motor

Anwar datang ke stadium dengan motor

Motorcyclists passing by drivers dressed in black but stuck in the traffic crawl on the LDP, yell out “Ini Kalilah”.

The roads around the stadium are clogged for several kilometres, with no sign of having eased over the past two hours.

Many people, adorning 'Ini Kalilah' T-shirst, are observed leaving their cars parked along the side of the highway and are legging it towards the stadium. 

Despite the drizzle, the crowd is still trickling into the stadium. Cars have been parked as far as 2km away and the party doesn't seem to end anytime soon for supporters. 

Many cannot not make out their leaders' speeches but still chime in with chants of reformasi and ubah.

The rain has caused roads near the area to be jam-packed from the junction with the Federal Highway until Paradigm Mall.

Some of the participants have parked their cars at the side of the main road and are walking about 1km to the Kelana Jaya stadium.

Some of them are wearing black T-shirts and are walking while shouting “Hidup! Hidup! Hidup rakyat!” 

Dan di sana sini....

Pakar kira2 buat kiraannya

Ceramah di Masjid Rusila...

Kedudukan kerusi Parlimen di Semanjung,Sabah dan Sarawak
                                  BN                    PR

Semenanjung               76                    80

Sabah dan Sarawak     57                      9

Jumlah                        133                    89

Tanpa Sabah dan Sarawak BN/UMNO dah tonggek.


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