
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Curbing the racism imbalance (Pt 1)

Julian Leicester
‘Racism is the belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others. Racist is a discrimination or prejudice based on race. Racist is a disease of the mind and a plague to any nation’.
In this article, I would like to suggest some strategies for promoting racial harmony to improve existing efforts and to introduce new initiatives from a mindset point of view. I am not imparting any views to support politicians or parties, neither am I writing here, to justify the results of GE13 and against any outcome, good or bad.
What I write is not intended to disrupt current views and sentiments of the Malaysian public, religion or culture. I write what I know best, from the viewpoint of the mind and its processes, especially the subconscious influences.
When we ask ourselves, what is our main strength as Malaysians?, the word “tolerance” comes to mind. Despite the many tests, we Malaysians have a very strong identity that shines like neon light, and that’s inner tolerance.
Yes, I say inner tolerance instead of external tolerance. If, we look at all the heated statuses, videos, pictures and comments going on in Facebook, despite all this, the people are still keeping tolerant and peaceful to certain limits.
Yes, we have seen rallies, crappy statements bouncing all over the media, yet when we look outside our window, we still see a Malaysian world of peace, tolerance and some order. This is amazingly true even though there are foreign reports that Malaysia ranks high as a nation with little tolerance.
People are outspoken today but they are not ready to break their peaceful state that can collapse the infrastructure of society and nation.
The true identity of Malaysians
Yes, this is the true identity of Malaysians. We all have unconsciously an inner and high threshold of tolerance for each other. While this identity has eroded rapidly over the years, I won’t say everyone shares this, but I believe the majority of Malaysians want a fair, peaceful and progressing nation.
The 1Malaysia concept of everyone living together, in total harmony and integration is a noble and ambitious plan but needs a mindset intervention to implement.
When we are looking at integrating racial, cultural and religious boundaries, we need to be aware as to what we really are trying to achieve? Especially, the policy makers and enforcers of what they think that is acceptable for the masses.
The truth is that all the ethnic groups have been on the soil of Malaysia all their lives. I can safely say that this entire existing generation has been born in Malaysia. This is the only land they will ever know as their birthplace.
Technically, if you have a Malaysian IC, there is no other country, you can be deported to. This is an interesting thought if some of you still think other countries will accept you on ancestral origin reasons.
Racial segregation is a constant and will always exist in our mind whether we admit or not
The human mind is a conditioned mind. It is a mind that evolves, in what have been its beliefs, its data and it sensory perception of the outer world.
Racial segregation is a constant and will always exist in our mind whether we admit or not. We can never say that by adding a purple dye, a yellow dye and a red dye in a beaker of water, will always become a new beautiful color. To insist on racial unity, it’s going to take a big effort to convince the conscious and unconscious conditioning and all the sensory programming it had undergone.
Rather, than a 1Malaysia, which is something the Malaysian public was already doing all these years, we should be looking at concepts like ‘Be Malaysia’ or ‘Grow Malaysia’.
Let’s talk and move towards progress rather than rectifying a problem that can be fixed on its own. Racial tolerance is like water, it always finds its level, good or bad. Trying to improve racial tolerance can be done by learning to let go and not intrude in the existing Malaysian ethnic groups’ mindsets and traditional practices.
Roti canai and teh tarik may be the Malaysian favorite breakfast, but the Indian man still likes his tosai and coconut chutney. The Chinese man will prefer his wantan soup noodle, and the Malay man, his nasi lemak and coffee. Likewise our East Malaysian brothers and sisters have their Borneo traditional diets.
This is who we truly are and will always be as different race groups of Malaysia. These are the beautiful yellow, red and purple dye I was talking about! Our race preferences, cultures and religions are beautiful in their own identities and stand out wonderfully to make the fundamentals of this country.
Julian is a London trained subconscious specialist with Hypno-Station.com He is Malaysia’s most renowned clinical hypnotherapist, media personality, columnist, event host and book author.
Write to Julian at julianleicester@gmail.com on your issues and he will feature your reply in his column or reply to you directly. Contact him online at www.hypno-station.com. Facebook/Linkedin/Twitter ID: julianleicester)

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