
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, May 4, 2013

GE13 Sekali Lagi or Ini Kalinya?

It's about 24 hours time BolehLand folks are going to decide the feat of the nation once again in GE13.

Will it be a vote for Sekali Lagi ie status quo, no change and payback time? or, Ini KaliNya ie. this is the time to give another a chance?

Since returning have been asking friends, strangers and about anyone who wants to share about GE13 who they want to vote... listen to what the response is?

Taximan : All are crooks. It's the same. Free handouts don't last. Whoever give I take. Will vote for change after all if all the same crooks see if the other crook is better or worse. Then 5 years decide again!

Two elderly couple: Vote for ubah. Giving away free money like theirs but it's my hard earned money which I never get even a sen.

Fresh grad : Ubah since I can't get a job after six months I don't believe BN will deliver.

Student: BN they give stability and  free money to me.
Q: But do you think you get a place in the u?
Student: They promised right?

At a motor shop, Malay working in private sector: BN politicians are so so rich why make them richer? Ubah...

At breakfast with older generation: Ubah, we have always needed to take care of ourselves. MCA is controlled by UMNO so a vote for MCA is a vote for UMNO is a vote for Perkasa is a vote for Islamisation is a vote of religious intolerance is a vote for racism is a vote for corruption is a vote for UMNO

Colleagues: I'm going back home town to ubah?
Q. Your race leader say you should be grateful?
Colleagues: For what, giving away my tax money free to others while I don't get a sen?

Relatives: Ubah!

Feel ini Kalinya? Well if one is to believe the msmedia and their problogs and prosocial media, the winner is BN.

Gosh MCA is going about hudud. Even got an sms that reads:

Satu undi kasi DAP sama juga kasi PAS
Kasi menang DAP sama kasi menang PAS
PAS mesti mahu kasi himin itu HUDUD
Lebih baik BN semua agama semua bangsa ada jaga

Replied to the spam:

BN hina Ugama lain
Nak hudud kasi orang bikin rasuah, bikin tipu bikin sikap angkuh kena kau kau
Ini kaliNya ubah

BN politicians especially MCA can insult the intelligence of their own party members and the rural folks and their cronies. But please don't try and insult the intelligence of the rest of us can or not? Hudud or not hudud under BN specifically the UMNO appointed religious councils and clerics have said no to pluralism in religion and have humiliated other religions and done stuff like body snatching, BN history, and all kinds of bigotry double standard acts.

MCA is just a sad party living in their own disillusion world that UMNO's brand of Islam has halalfied their haram babi eating, gambling, womanising and what have your practices and culture hah!

MCA CSL has warned voting DAP and Pakatan is going to worsen race division? Gosh this CSL must be campaigning in his MCA hall not reading his own STAR and listening to what his UMNO lords have been saying during the election campaign.

UMNO present and ole leaders warn Malays of Cinasization and Christianisation if DAP and Pakatan win. Warns Malays about Chinese ambitions if Pakatan wins.

UMNO present and ole leaders also ask Chinese to support them and praise them for their contribution.

Hmmm hello, can UMNO and MCA make up their minds who are the Chinese to them? If vote them, Chinese considered citizen. If dun vote them, they are a threat? Don't treat us like your two crown jewels that dangle where it chooses can or not eh?

Or for that matter who the Malays or Indians or natives are to them if they vote or don't vote for them?

Listening to the other side's campaigning rarely the race card is being used!!! Seems in Bolehland fighting for principles like accountability, transparency, justice, fairness, seems evil and not the DNA of our culture....why huh?

BN needs to bring about Armageddon scenario, cling on to race, privileges and religion to garner votes. Plus freebies, billions of ringgit worth of it?

But if you give freebies now, does it not reflect that your 55 years of rule hs been a failure? Why need Br1m, Pr1ma and 1 this or that to supposedly help the 'poor'? It shows they have been neglected? Why now see Indians as downtrodden and asset to the nation but not the Chinese or Malays or Indians who don't vote them?

Why are all the suddenly new projects not listed in the budget but suddenly now they discover what needs repairing within a span of 2 weeks and not 55 years huh?

BolehLand folks are really immature compared to our Asean friends. They dare to change their government and they are doing fine! The poor still remained poor and the rich richer. Are we to suppose that when BN wins the poor won't be made to remain poor and the rich made richer so that these become fodder for the next election to fish for votes?

And on the supposedly instant citizens and instant voters who may be voting, noone seems to really deny or confirm if the allegations are true. We all, rather real BolehLand folks always say we are a peaceful people. Compared to our migrant fellows, back in their motherland, we know the kind of behaviour they have, can and will exhibit if they are disgruntled. Is this a generalisation or stereotyping our migrants? You tell me!

So let us hope the stories of fast tract instant citizens and voters are not true becoz if these new citizens become a disgruntled lot, it will make the Bersih's incident like a child's play ant's bite pain, compared to the type of incidences we see in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Southern Philippines when the common folks decide to show their true self, protest and fight against the government of the day!!!

So are we creating our own timebomb if the allegations of instant citizens and instant voters are true? Only time will tell.

When you are drunk you don't behave rationally. Same too if you are drunk with power, you won't behave rationally and if you can find and send aliens, pun intended or even cats, monkeys, cows and donkeys to vote for you, you'd do that right?

Politicians can't be trusted - that's an immutable law, even if they swear holy words, on holy ground or show their holier than thou behaviour.

Rightly so the leaders of both divide say that in the end it is the people who will pay the prize. But the ones who caused it are not the people, but the politicians and leaders who are crazy and drunk for power betray the people who voted for them.

So do vote wisely. If you believe your vote is secret and noone can buy you with promise of free house, give you money, 5kg of rice, toddy, Psy you up, free meals, pay to attend their rallies and other pay you events....to vote for them, you are being an idealist. Yes your vote is secret only till the moment you mark an 'X', yes?

What's wrong to confess you want to vote for sekali lagi or ini kalinya?

Are not the politicians already revealing who they are going to vote for? So what secret vote are we talking about? It's easier to know your 'secret vote' than fraud and cheating in the polls right?

Let us hope there is no fraud committed in the polls for everyone's sake.  But that is like saying that BN is the holy devil we know and Pakatan the devil angel we do not know hah!

Why are we afraid to give the other a chance? It's really silly and immature to think once you are in power you want to do something stupid to lose it, right? So, why not ini Kalinya than Sekali Lagi.

You decide because I already decided long ago when they humiliated my God, religion and the citizen I am.

Happy voting then.


Last check on my voting. Yup still registered same place. My brother's voting place which was shifted to Kota Baru from Petaling Jaya is still there. He has given up to return the voting place back to PJ... Hmm I believe in the unicorn than our EC hah! - YAHMEH!!!

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