
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Harassing Bala's widow: Enough, Malaysians must demand to know WHO KILLED ALTANTUYA?

Harassing Bala's widow:  Enough, M'sians must demand to know WHO KILLED ALTANTUYA?
It is shocking. It is paralyzing. It is beyond words. How on earth can we sit back, watch and allow a mother, sister, wife, daughter - and above all, our own citizen to be harrassed ceaselessly to lie upon a lie, even while she is still mourning the untimely loss of her husband who stood against all odds to spill the beans?
Selvi's crying out loud that she cannot take the harrassment anymore should jolt even the most un-involved lawyer to his or her senses.
It is clear from the outpouring sympathy and care from Malaysians willing to donate cash to help Selvi through, that Malaysians are a concerned lot. Yes, it is easy to drop donations into the begger's tin and move on thinking we have done our part.
But the truth about the case in question is, Selvi is not begging for alms. She deserves our protection in her own land when all else has failed miserably. She is being cornered by those with vested interest and that is most obvious. That protection which the powers that be have failed to demonstrate decisively and convincingly, can only come about by demanding that justice is dispensed immediately and ultimately.
Stand up & be counted: Demand that justice be carried out
We need to know now, who caused the carrying out of the killing of Altantuya. We have waited for far too long and ended up with another life lost - PI Bala.
Do we want to wait another day to see yet another loss of life because the harassment were just too much to bear? If that happens, all Malaysians will carry that shame and guilt to their graves.
We want all professionals and their respective associations or institutions to stand up and be counted. We want all heads of religious congregations to stand up and be counted. We want all politicians who are honorable and have no hand in this heinous mother-of-all-crimes to stand up and be counted. We want all those who have been screaming in defence of religion to stand up and be counted. We want all those who have been championing a myriad of rights to stand up and be counted.
We want all Malaysians to stop comforting themselves by that hope that justice will be delivered after the GE-13 outcome. Walking to the polls with this Malaysia-Book-of-Records crime swept under the carpet cannot be supported by the claim that this nation is democratic, moderate, progressive and labeled 'Truly Asia'.
In any other nation of right-thinking people, by now the whole country and its righteous leaders would have stopped the clock and downed their tools till justice is demonstrated and delivered. If we cannot decipher the significance and far reaching consequences of this Altantuya case, then we have failed in our patriotism to nation and king. All our screams of "Promises Fulfilled' is a fake facade.
National priority
So, for as long as motive is not established for the Altantuya's case, we want those who harboured and enshrined this ultimatum to account. We want those responsible for the deletion of immigration records to account. We want those responsible for the release of the deadly explosive - C4 to account. We want all those within the corridors of power who are keeping mum all this while to account. We want all the players and actors to be hauled up.
This is a case of national priority.
And untill and unless this murder is solved beyond all reasonable doubt, all those implicated and standing for elections should be taken to task by the relevant authorities. And the caretaker PM Najib must step aside until he has resolved this case and saved the integrity and honour of nation, King and citizens.
Otherwise, we are all accomplices in this murder and international shame unprecedented.

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